Chapter 14

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Yrsa's POV:

Loki was pacing up and down his chambers, I was seated on the couch; watching him. Thor knew our secret now and that terrified me. Loki stopped suddenly and said, "You are coming with me to dinner tonight." "What?!" I shrieked as I stood from the couch. Loki looked to me pleadingly. "Loki, no. I'm not going to dinner with you, I can't. Did you not hear what Thor said? Having Odin find out about us will not end well." I said as I slowly sat back down. "Darling, listen. Odin will find out about us eventually, why not have him see us together with his own eyes? So he can see the true version of this relationship, so he can see how good you are for me, not the twisted lies he will hear weeks or even months from now." I sighed softly. Loki had a point; by the time the news of our love affair would reach Odin's ears, it will mostly be filled with lies and half truths. I looked to Loki and said softly, "Is there any need for me to change?" Loki smiled and walked towards me. He scooped me up into a warm embrace and murmured in my left ear, "No, my love, you look perfect."

Dinner would be served at 19h00, the royal family needed to be seated at the main dining table in the serving quarters at 18h50. The time now was 18h30; I literally had twenty minutes before my life changed for the better or for the worst. My hands were shaky, my legs were restless, my palms had become clammy and my breathing had become frantic; I was panicking. Loki was sitting next to me on the couch, he had his back laid against the back of the couch with his eyes closed. I suddenly felt his hand on the small of my back then I heard him say quietly, "Yrsa, sweetheart, calm down. Everything will be fine." I laid back, placed my head on his chest and spoke softly, "I hope so." 

Loki held me close to his chest in his arms, we were talking about constellations. He was laughing at the fact that I only knew one. As Loki was starting to tell me about the other hundreds and hundreds of constellations in the Asgardian sky, the bell for dinner time was struck. The giggles silenced and we both went tense. He looked down into my eyes and smiled wearily. "Are you ready, darling?" I took in a shaky breath and whispered, "Yes, Loki." I rose from Loki's chest and stood up. He also stood, took my hand in his and headed towards the door. 

The walk to the main dining quarters was long and silent; eerily silent, like the calm before a massive storm. My nerves were beginning to bubble up to the surface again. We came to a halt when we reached two large closed doors. Loki squeezed my hand lightly and whispered, "Well, here goes nothing." He pushed the doors open. The room that sprawled out in front of us was breathtakingly stunning. It had a dozen chandeliers hanging low from the high roof, the long table was already set; the cutlery and plates neatly spanned out, there were beautiful vases set spaciously around the room. Everything in here oozed royalty and suddenly, I felt out of place; like I was pretending to be something I was not. Loki looked back at me and smiled. "You are royalty, to me anyway." He whispered, his mellow smirk warming my heart. I smiled back at him as we proceeded to walk towards where his family was seated. 

As we approached the far end of the table, I locked eyes with King Odin and my insides coiled with fear

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As we approached the far end of the table, I locked eyes with King Odin and my insides coiled with fear. I quickly threw my eyes to the side, trying to avoid eye contact. I looked up again and saw His Majesty and Thor discussing something as they looked to Loki and I. Finally, we reached where King Odin, Queen Frigga and Prince Thor were seated. Queen Frigga and Prince Thor were seated on either side of the table and King Odin sat at the head of the table, glaring at Loki and I. "Good evening family. Tonight, I have decided to join you for dinner. As you all can see, I have brought a guest along with me, I hope that won't be a problem." Loki said nonchalantly as his gaze glided across his three family members. "That won't be a problem at all, dear. Please, Loki, Yrsa; sit." Queen Frigga's eloquent voice echoing around us. I looked at Queen Frigga, a graceful smile plastered on her lips as she gestured to a chair near her. Loki let go of my hand and pulled out the chair that was near Queen Frigga's and gestured for me to sit down. I reluctantly walked over and sat down. Loki then placed a kiss on my left cheek and walked to the other side of the table and sat down next to Prince Thor and right across me. 

The wait for the food to arrive was agonizingly silent. Odin would occasionally throw me a sideways glare, silently analysing me. Then abruptly, Thor spoke from across the table, "Lady Yrsa, you look exquisite this evening. I love what you've done with your hair. And that dress... I'm surprised Loki hasn't ripped it right off of you." He shot me his signature bright grin and winked at me. I smiled nervously and uttered softly, "Thank you." "Child," Odin began dryly, "I hear that you are Lady Feyer's niece. Is that true?" I looked to Odin and spoke, trying to hide the fear in my voice, "Yes, Your Majesty, that is correct." "Well then, tell me. Seeing as you are here to work, how did this apparent love affair between you and my son happen?" I swallowed hard, trying to think of the right way to explain the crime we've committed. Loki, seeing my panicked state, cleared his throat and spoke, "Father, do you really want to know or are you just trying to set panic within her?" His voice was calm and low. Loki then turned to me and smiled. Seeing that mellow and familiar smile calmed me down a bit. "Son, I am merely just trying to get to know the company you keep, you no longer share details about your life with me." Odin said as he looked to Loki briefly. "You lost that privilege a long time ago." Loki spat, looking intensely at his father. The room fell silent. 

After a short while, the first course arrived. I had chosen the chicken salad with a cream cheese dressing, Queen Frigga and Loki had opted for the radish and fennel salad with a pomegranate-honey dressing, Thor had the short rib pot pie and King Odin settled for the potted crab. As we ate, Loki looked at me through his lashes. He smiled and spoke softly enough only for me to hear, "Darling, are you still alright? Do you wish us to leave at all?" I smiled sweetly. I did want to leave, I just wanted to be in Loki's arms and snuggle with him in either one of our chambers but I did not want to be rude or disrespect the royals so I decided we were to stay. "No, love. I am fine, we can stay." Loki nodded and continued to eat. 

The second and last courses were pretty generic meals; lemon roast chicken with chorizo stuffing and chocolate cake. No one, besides Loki and I of course, at the table had uttered a word since the little strife-filled exchange between Loki and King Odin. Were the royal family dinners always like this? If they were, it was no wonder Loki preferred his own company. Once everyone was done with the courses, it was time to head back to our chambers. Thor was the first to leave, claiming that his journey from Midgard had tired him out. Queen Frigga bid her good nights as well. As she stood up to leave, she spoke softly for my ears alone to hear her, "My dear, it was lovely having you here, you should consider joining us more often. Loki hasn't joined us for dinner for the longest time now, thank you convincing him to dine with us tonight; you seem to be having a good effect on him. Good night, Yrsa darling." I smiled at her and said my good nights. Now only Loki, King Odin and I sat at the table. I then slowly started to rise from my chair, as did Loki. Suddenly, King Odin spoke, "Lady Yrsa, please stay behind for a bit, I need to speak with you," he then looked at Loki and continued, "privately." Loki got up from his chair and glared at his father. He then turned to me and spoke softly, "I will be in my chambers, darling." Loki smiled, a worried look glimmering in his eyes, and left the dining hall. I slowly shifted my gaze to King Odin, his gaze already firmly set on me. "What does His Majesty wish to discuss with me?" I asked, trying so hard not to sound terrified. "I wish to discuss this relation you and Loki seem to have. I had thought the basis of it was merely physical pleasure, that you are his concubine." He said hoarsely. My heart sank to the ground at his words. I looked to the side as I felt my eyes start to tear up. "But after asking Thor about it and seeing how he treated you here tonight, I can tell there is emotional attachment as well." I swallowed hard and looked back at King Odin. He laughed dryly and said, "Do you honestly think royalty would fall in love with the help? I am certain Loki is just using you for his own pleasure." "And how would you know that? Have you ever tried speaking with Loki and actually tried getting to know him? Or have you just shoved him to the side all these years and focused on your golden boy, Thor?" I spat, feeling my insides heat up with rage. Odin glared at me and spoke, his tone harsh and gritty, "I see sleeping with Loki has given you the courage to talk back to the all-father. Well, listen here little girl, I have plans for Loki and I will not allow a peasant like you to derail them." "Well, Odin, this peasant has shown Loki more love than you ever have or ever will. You are heartless, planning to sell your son off to some other realm just to end a war you were too weak to end yourself." I said hoarsely. "ENOUGH!" Odin shouted as he slammed his right hand on the table. That only exasperated me further. "You are to stop whatever madness is going on between you and Loki. You are not worthy of him; you two are from two completely different worlds. Loki's destiny is to be a king and rule over a kingdom. Yours is to spend the rest of your life serving others and scrubbing floors, earning close to nothing." Odin spat. I glared at him through my lashes. I clenched my fists under the table, nails digging into the skin of my palms and slowly rose from my seat. "I am not going to let you ruin Loki's life, no. Loki and I are meant for each other, regardless of social status. You will not have your way with my prince. So, old man, do your worst." I said, my voice bold and demanding. I pushed the chair from behind me with the back of my legs and walked hurriedly towards the door. As I pushed through the doors, I heard Odin shout, "You will pay dearly for this!" 

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