Chapter 13

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Loki's POV: 

It was late in the afternoon once I got back to the palace. Today had been a very long day. Mother had wanted to see me earlier in the day because she wanted to inform me of her and my travels to Svartalfheim. Odin had made arrangements for mother and I to visit my supposed fiance. All I could think about the whole time we were there was my Yrsa. Learning of the happenings of my day would break her heart, how was I to tell her that I left her side to see someone I would be forced to marry? I had to speak with Odin, I had to rid him of this absurd notion. It was getting dark outside, the sun dipping down behind the glorious landscape of Asgard. Dinner would be served soon and for a change, I saw the need to join my family tonight. I decided to take a bath and change out of my leather suit. I stripped, placed the suit into my wardrobe and proceeded to my washroom. I ran the water into the tub, grabbed my lavender bath salts and poured them into the water. As I placed the bath salts back into the cabinet, I heard a light knock on my bedroom door. I slid into the tub and called out, "Enter." I heard the door open and close. I then heard light pats of sandals across the floor and looked at the door of my washroom, only to be met by a black-brown gaze and a warm, mellow smile. I smiled and reached my hand out to her. Yrsa walked over, grasped my hand lightly in hers and sat on the rim of the tub. 

"You have been gone for so long, I was starting to think you were tired of me already." Yrsa said softly as she used her hand to comb her fingers through my dark locks. I hummed as I leaned my head into her small and soft hand. "Oh no my dear, how could you think I would get tired of that beautiful face so soon? Do you really think so little of my affection towards you?" I looked up at her and smirked. Yrsa chuckled softly and shook her head. We sat in silence as she helped me bathe. Yrsa had let her mind guard down; I was proud of how fast she had learnt to shield it from me. I felt surge of sadness and heartache radiating from her. My heart felt heavy; she missed her family and me leaving her for the day had reminded her just how lonely she was without them. "I'm sorry darling." I spoke softly, my voice was drenched with guilt. "What for? You didn't do anything wrong." She said sweetly as she splashed water on my back. "Yes, of course but I do feel guilty for leaving you alone for so long. I know you do not have any friends here and Lady Freyer is always so busy, I'm sure the last time you've seen her was early this morning." I prated with my eyes on her. Yrsa smiled lamentably and said, "No, Loki, do not feel guilty. You have things to do, you are the prince of Asgard after all, and besides, I am used to being alone; I enjoy my own company. What did you get up to today anyway? What did Her Majesty wish to speak to you about?" I turned my head slowly from her direction and stared at the water in the tub. How was I to lie to her? I couldn't, I wouldn't. I sighed lightly and began speaking, "Mother wished to inform me of our journey to the realm of the dark elves. Odin had made arrangements for me to meet with Alflyse." Yrsa slowly retreated her hand from my left shoulder. "Oh." The only word that managed to escaped her lips. Even though she did not say much, I could hear the pain in her voice and feel the heartache oozing from her being. 

Yrsa had risen from the rim of the tub and was holding a body towel. I rose, got out of the tub and grabbed the towel, wrapping my lower body with it. Yrsa turned to leave but I stopped her by grabbing her right wrist. She stopped in her tracks and turned around to look at me. "Do you need anything else?" She asked apathetically. "Yrsa, don't be like this please." I said, slightly pleading with her. She pulled her wrist out of my grasped and enquired, her voice low, "Like what, Loki? So I shouldn't feel any type of jealousy, envy or anger when you mention that you are practically engaged to a queen from another realm? Loki, det gjør meg vondt å vite at faren din aldri vil godta meg. Jeg vil være den som får gifte deg, føde avkommet ditt, elske og verne deg resten av våre dager." Her eyes were beginning to tear up. I reached out and pulled her into a soft embrace. She wrapped her arms around my torso and began to weep audibly. Her breathing had become erratic and her cries had become louder. I held her tighter, my heart breaking as she continued to cry. "Kjære, hjertet mitt tilhører deg og bare deg, glem det ikke. Som jeg sa før, vil jeg kjempe mot Odin hvis det kommer til det. Å miste deg er ikke et alternativ. Jeg elsker deg, Yrsa. Hush now, do not fret, my love." I murmured then kissed her forehead. Her cries subsided to small whimpers as she tried to regulate her breathing. "Loki," Yrsa huffed softly. "Yes?" I enquired. "Jeg elsker deg mer." She murmured as she hugged me tighter. 

After a bit, I had cleaned my tub and chosen my attire for dinner tonight. Yrsa had sat on my bed, watching me as I moved across my chambers. As I was putting on a pair of my many ankle-length boots, I looked her way. Her mellow gaze was set on me, a smile gracing her lips. I snickered and asked, "What is it, darling?" She then propped her left elbow on her knee and set her chin on her palm. "Nothing, just admiring what is mine." She spoke softly. I buckled up my boots and made my way to the bed. I smiled lightly as I reached my hand out, grasping hers in mine. I pulled her towards me, placed my hands on her figure and tugged her closer. She looked up at me and smiled. I placed my right hand on her left cheek pulled her face towards mine and softly crashed my lips upon hers. Her hands rose to clutch the back of my neck so as to deepen the kiss. I had parted from her for merely a small number of hours but in this moment, I realised just how much I had missed her. My left hand dropped back to her waist and I then wrapped my arms around her, enveloping her body in a firm embrace. Then, suddenly and out of nowhere, my bedroom door flew open. "Br- Loki?" A booming voice came the threshold. Yrsa and I slowly broke away from the kiss and quickly looked to the door. "Brother, I had come to inform you of my return. Who is this?" Thor enquired as he walked into my chambers and closed the door behind him. Yrsa nervously pulled herself out of my embrace, got off the bed and curtsied in Thor's direction. Speaking softly and with her head tilted down, she said, "My name is Yrsa, personal maid to Prince Loki." "Rise, my darling. You do not have to bow to this buffoon." I said as I gestured towards Thor. He just laughed and sat on my bedside couch. Yrsa rose from her bow and sat on my bed again. 

"Loki, besides being your maid, what is your relation with dear Yrsa here? Is she your concubine?" Thor said nonchalantly. Yrsa cleared her throat and shifted slightly on the bed. I shot Thor a dirty look, how dare he cheapen my affection to my lady like that? "No brother, she is not my concubine and kindly never refer to her as such again or a dagger will be protruding from where your heart is situated." My voice sounded low and gritty. "Well, I apologize for assuming. You didn't exactly inform me of," he gestured between Yrsa and I and continued to speak, "whatever this is." "Yrsa is my maiden." I said as I sat on my bed beside her. "Excuse me? What did you say? Your what?" Thor asked, his tone darkening, he sounded slightly irritated. "You heard me correctly, brother. Yrsa is my lover. She is the reason I refuse to wed Alflyse. My heart lies with Yrsa and no one else." I said firmly as I grasped Yrsa's hand in mine. "Does father know of this?" Thor asked again while rubbing the bridge of his nose between his right index finger and thumb. "No, but I intend on telling him." I prated calmly. "Brother, think this through. Father will be livid. He has rules against this type of thing." Thor protested. I rose from the bed and walked towards Thor, "I am prepared for whatever he will throw my way." I said as I faced him. Thor sighed, stood from the couch and headed for the door. Before he stepped out, he turned his head and spoke, "Good luck with whatever you plan on doing, brother. But I assure you; this will not work out in your favour." 

det gjør meg vondt å vite at faren din aldri vil godta meg. Jeg vil være den som får gifte deg, føde avkommet ditt, elske og verne deg resten av våre dager. - it hurts me to know that your father will never accept me. I want to be the one to marry you, give birth to your offspring, love and protect you for the rest of our days.

Kjære, hjertet mitt tilhører deg og bare deg, glem det ikke. Som jeg sa før, vil jeg kjempe mot Odin hvis det kommer til det. Å miste deg er ikke et alternativ. Jeg elsker deg, Yrsa. -  darling, my heart belongs to you and only you, do not forget it. Like I said before, I will fight Odin if it comes to that. Losing you is not an option. I love you, Yrsa.

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