Chapter 9

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Loki's POV:

I didn't know where else to turn to, I didn't know who else to turn to. Mother would just say that I was being unnecessarily dramatic and that having a wife would not be as bad as I thought. After Thor had left, I had continued to read my book, trying to forget about what we were conversating about just minutes before but all the while failing to do so. After a couple of hours, I decided to take a bath just to ease my rage, but alas, that did not seem to work as well; I was too angry, too hurt. After the bath, I had changed into my night clothes and laid on my bed staring at the ceiling. I felt a tear run down my left temple and my bottom lip started to quiver lightly. I started sobbing silently. How could my whole family want to ship me off to some other world just for their benefit? Did they not love me? I wiped my eyes and tried calming my breaths down. I looked out the window and saw that it was midnight. I got up out of bed and headed for my door. I got out of my rooms and closed the door softly behind me. I looked across the hall to Yrsa's door; could she still be awake? I had not seen her since the afternoon on the previous day; I missed her. 

I was leaning against her door frame with my head tilted down; I was trying to contain my tears but failing. I knocked on the door lightly and waited. After a bit, the door opened slowly. "Pri- I mean, Loki, do you need assistance with anything?" I heard her ask, just hearing that mellow voice warmed my heart. I tilted my head up slowly to look at her and said softly, "Right now, all I need you to do is hold me." My voice sounded shaky. She must have heard that because she teared up, she felt sorry for me. Yrsa stepped to the side to let me in and closed the door behind me. Once she had turned around, I kissed her; slowly and softly. I just needed to feel those mellifluous lips on mine. After a bit, I broke the kiss, my lips missing the contact. I placed my forehead against hers and whispered, "Yrsa, just hold me." She then wrapped me in an embrace and replied, "Only if you will hold me as well." I then kissed her forehead and wrapped my arms around her, pulling her in close. I finally felt calm. 

Now, Yrsa and I were laying on her bed, canoodling. She had placed her head in the crook of my neck, I could feel her light breaths on my pulse point. I pulled her in close to me and she sprawled her arms across my back, interlocking her fingers. After a long while of silence, she finally spoke softly, "Do you wish to speak about what had gotten you so worked up?" I sighed lightly. "Father wishes me to do something for him," I whispered, "but I do not want to do what he asks of me because I would have to leave my home and everything I love behind." I then kissed her forehead. She hummed and nuzzled into my hold on her. "Surely His Majesty will find another way to fix whatever problem he is facing without having you leave." There was silence. But after a bit, she whispered, "And quite frankly, I do not wish to see you leave." She squeezed me lightly. Suddenly, I felt my neck become wet; was Yrsa... crying? Her breaths hitched. I felt my heart sink when I heard a whimper escape her lips. "Yrsa, darling, do not fret. I will not leave." "But what if Odin forces you to leave? What then?" her voice so shaky and fragile, the thought of my possible departure hurt her deeply. I shifted and sat up on the bed, pulling Yrsa up with me. I released her from my hold to look at her in the eye and murmured, "Yrsa, listen to me. I am not going to leave. They want me to wed someone I do not love because they want to end a cold war that has been raging on for thousands of years." Yrsa looked at me as if I had just said something that broke her heart completely. I took her hands in mine and continued, "But I will not do it. I refuse to let Odin force me into something I do not wish to do." Yrsa's eyes were tearing up again. She pulled her hands from mine, wiped her eyes and stood from the bed. She went to go and sit on her bedside couch, staring at the floor. My heart broke at the sight of her so distraught. 

"Will you not be helping the kingdom by agreeing to this arrangement?" Yrsa said, her voice sounding beyond broken. "Yes." I said nonchalantly. "Why can't Thor do this? He is the eldest and he is the heir to the throne, it would make more sense for him to do this instead of you." Yrsa said, her voice shakier than before. I sighed, thinking about how I had raised that same point to Odin, "Thor cannot do it because he has to wed an Asgardian to keep the royal bloodline of Asgardian blood only and another thing; Thor has responsibilities on Midgard so he will not be able to move and stay on Svartalfheim permanently."  "So if you agree to this marriage, you will have to live in Svartalfheim permanently? Not being able to visit Asgard?" Yrsa asked me, her bottom lip quivering ever so slightly, her eyes now staring at the ceiling. "I would be able to visit but not as frequently as I would want to," I said softly, watching her heart break right in front of me. "but Yrsa, I will not leave. I will fight Odin if I have to. I cannot leave, not after I have found my reason for staying." Her gaze slowly made its way to me, her eyes were glistening from the moon's rays; she looked beautiful, even as she sobbed. "And what might that reason be?" she asked murmuring.  I chuckled lightly and made my way to the couch to sit next to her. "I would rather you ask 'who might that reason be?' " I whispered in her left ear as I sat and took her hand in mine. I then pulled her arm lightly and let her straddle me. She then wrapped her arms around my neck, smiled and said, "You haven't answered my question." I chuckled, looked into her eyes, my arms wrapped around her waist and spoke, "You are the reason I refuse to leave. Yrsa, you have grown on me. Leaving you behind would break me. I know we have not known each other for a long while but I feel closer to you than I have ever felt with anyone. You have shown me so much kindness, you have given yourself to me completely, wholeheartedly and you will never know how thankful to you I am for that. For trusting me with your body and, dare I say; your heart." Yrsa smiled and kissed my cheek. She hugged onto me and murmured in my ear, "Jeg elsker deg, Loki." I smiled and placed a kiss on her neck and whispered, "Jeg elsker deg mer, Yrsa." 

[jeg elsker deg - I love you] 

[jeg elsker deg mer - I love you more]

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