Chapter 27

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Loki's POV: 

I didn't know much of Jotunheim, I had only been there once and quite frankly, I was not on an excursion last time. So when we left Asgard, I had no clue as to where in Jotunheim the three of us would end up. Suddenly, Yrsa, Lady Freyer and I stood at the base of an ice staircase that led to a very large ice door. I slowly let go of Yrsa's hand as I carefully walked up the staircase. "Loki, I'm freezing." Yrsa called out through clenched teeth as she and Aunt Freyer shivered. "Oh, I'm sorry, love." I called out as I conjured up two thick coats made of bear fur. Yrsa reached her hand out and grabbed both coats from me. "Thank you." She said softly as she gave her aunt one and wore hers soon after. As I started walking further up the staircase, I heard a loud thud from behind me and a squeal from Yrsa. I quickly turned around on my heels and saw Yrsa kneeling on the frosty ground as she held her aunt in her arms, Yrsa's face was contorted into an expression of concern. I kneeled near Lady Freyer as well and took her right hand in both of mine. "It's too darn cold here," Aunt Freyer chuckled, her body shivering more vigorously than before, "I don't think I'll last much longer my dears." She said as she gave Yrsa and I a weak smile. "No, Aunt, I can't lose you too, what family will I have left if I lose you? No, please, don't leave me." Yrsa choked out, her voice sounding beyond distraught, as tears began to stream down her face. 

My heart ached for Yrsa; she'd lost her brother and father to Odin and now, the only family she had left was about to die in her arms. Lady Freyer scoffed slightly then said, "Oh but my darling, you have Loki. He is your family now and you're his as well." Yrsa sniffled lightly, she looked up at me as a small smile spread across her face. I tilted my head to the side as a warm feeling spread across my chest and a smile enveloping my lips. "See? The love you two share for each other will conquer anything. Valhalla is calling for me, my darlings. I love you both, stay strong and always protect each other." And after a few more forced and coarse breaths, Aunt Freyer's grip on my hand softened and her head slumped to the side as the last bits of air left her lungs in a puff of warmth. Yrsa began clinging to her aunt's body as she sobbed audibly. 

"Yrsa, darling, we need to go." I said softly as I rose from the floor. "Loki, I can't just leave my aunt here." Yrsa cried out in an anguished whisper. Then, suddenly, the remains of Aunt Freyer's body began to slowly fade into a golden dust. Yrsa staggered from the floor and looked on as the essence of Aunt Freyer glided towards the gates of Valhalla. Yrsa turned to me and wrapped her arms around my torso as she continued to wail. "It's alright, darling. I'm here, I've got you." I said softly as I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and stroked her clothed back comfortingly. After a bit, Yrsa had calmed down and was staring at the large door that stood a few meters away from us. "I feel really hot, all of a sudden." Yrsa said as she started to take the fur coat off and threw it to the ground. I chuckled lightly as I started up the staircase, "You just needed time to adjust to the weather." Yrsa quickly walked up behind me and slid her right hand in my left one. I glanced down at our intertwined hands briefly and felt my lips lift up to form a small smile. I advanced forward, with Yrsa close by my side, and pushed open the large door. 

Third person's [Narrator] POV: 

Loki had teleported he and Yrsa to the royal castle. The pair slowly walked into the castle and closed the door behind them. As soon as Loki was inside, his Asgardian form slowly faded and was replaced by the real Loki; a deep blue hue on his skin, intricate markings all across his face and probably all across his body, Yrsa assumed as she admired the man she called her husband. The Jotun castle was breath-takingly exquisite; shades of blue, white and black shimmered under the blue sun's lapis rays that fell into the palace through the high and wide windows. Sharp shards of ice that hung from the high ceiling intertwined to form extravagant teal chandeliers that illuminated the room perfectly. Across the room from Yrsa and Loki were two cobalt rime thrones. Hand in hand, Loki and Yrsa made their way to the thrones. They walked up the steps that led to their thrones and took their place on the seats. Suddenly, Yrsa's eyes lit up an aegean shade as she began to speak, "I see something," Loki turned to his love trying to pay more attention as she continued to talk, "the land, the giants; it's quiet. The absence of a ruler has left Jotunheim weak and vulnerable." Yrsa uttered nonchalantly. Loki looked across the empty room, smirked and said, "Well then darling, let's awaken our kingdom." And with that, Loki shed all his green and gold armour in a sudden flash of blue and all that remained on his person was a golden strap-cloth that hung onto his hips, a crystalized crown appearing atop his head soon after.

 Yrsa looked over to her husband and smiled. "My turn." Yrsa chirped as she stood from her seat and started levitating. A bright, blue beam radiated from her, summoning a large amount of frost as she twirled and twisted inside the spiral of snow she had created. The sound of rime swooshing and seeping could be heard all around the room. Loki looked on with a soft smile on his face as his love emerged from the now dissipating swirl of snow. Yrsa had shed her emerald dress and now had a long, gold skirt on with a slit that looped over her right hip. The top half of her body was covered by a gold cloth that was tied in a knot at the back of her neck. A small but elegant sleet tiara appeared atop Yrsa's head. Loki stood from his throne, took Yrsa by the hand and muttered, "You look beyond exquisite, my love." Yrsa smiled sheepishly and kissed him on the cheek. 

Loki then led Yrsa out to a balcony on the left wing of the castle that looked out over the entire land of the frost giants. They both looked out to their kingdom, admiring the beautiful lakes and the frosted mountains that encompassed the vast landscape of ice and water. "JOTUNS!" Loki bellowed, causing the ground to rumble. "AWAKEN, JOTUNS! YOUR KING HAS RETURNED!" Suddenly, the mountains began to quake, the lakes seethed violently as roars and loud grunts sounded all across Jotunheim. Thousands and thousands of tall and lean figures emerged from the ground, lakes and mountains. All across the land, one could see these figures making their way to the elevated castle. Loki placed an arm around Yrsa's exposed waist, pulled her towards him and whispered into her left ear, "Look out at your subjects, my queen. All of this, it's all ours." Yrsa smirked and nuzzled in closer to Loki as the Jotuns advanced to the castle. Within minutes, the entire Jotun population was assembled out in front of the royal castle. Loki then stepped forward, with Yrsa by his side, and began to speak, his voice echoing throughout the cold, frost bitten land, "YOUR RIGHTFUL RULERS HAVE ARRIVED! A WAR IS ON ITS WAY TO JOTUNHEIM, WAGED ON BY ODIN! READY YOURSELVES, MY PEOPLE. THIS TIME, ODIN WILL NOT HAVE HIS WAY WITH THE MIGHTY WARRIORS OF THE LAND OF ICE! WE SHALL SLAY HIM IN COLD BLOOD AND ALL THOSE WHO ARE FOOLISH ENOUGH TO UNDERESTIMATE US!" Loki then conjured up an ice sword and thrust it upward, the tens of thousands of Jotuns erupting in cheers and whistles in praise of their king and queen. "KNEEEEEL!" Yrsa and Loki both exclaimed and all the Jotuns obeyed. The Jotun royals had their army ready for anything Odin would try and throw their way. The war was shaping up to be one of epic proportions. With Loki uncapping the hidden strengths of his natural form and Yrsa growing more powerful as her powers were feeding from the heart of Jotunheim, the chaos and destruction that would likely ensue looked to be inevitable. 

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