Chapter 8

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Loki's POV: 

After I had spoken to Yrsa in my kitchen, I had let her retire to her chambers for the rest of the day. I was sitting in my open-plan study when I heard a loud knock on my bedroom door. That was too aggressive a knock to be mother and Yrsa is too polite to knock like that. It could be only one other person. "Enter." I said while reading the book I held in my right hand. The door opened and in walked that blond brute, Thor. "Ah, brother, still have your nose in a book, I see." The idiot said with that stupid smile on his face. I looked up from my book and said, "You should try it, brother, it may actually fill your empty head with useful knowledge." He just chuckled and proceeded to sit next to me on the couch in the study. "So, what brings you to my chambers? Are you not supposed to be preparing for your trip to Midgard?" I enquired as I put my book down on the table in front of us. Thor looked at me, gave me a wide grin and said, "Yes, brother, but I thought I should stop by and say my goodbyes." "Is that all? You could have just asked mother to say that to me on your behalf, there was not any need to come all the way here." I said, looking at him. "Well, there is another reason why I decided to come to your chambers. We need to speak about the point father raised the other day." I felt every ounce of feeling I had in my body drain straight out of me. My face was probably paler than usual. 

Thor was talking about the matter Odin had proposed to me the previous week. Odin had asked me to consider wedding the queen of Svartalfheim in order to restore the peace between Asgard and the dark elves. If I was to agree to this union; I would have to leave Asgard and live in Svartalfheim. Father was selling me off to fix a problem beyond his control. The dark elves still held resentment towards Asgard and have threatened a war for the longest time, Thor killing Malekith only exasperated them further. Odin had reasoned with Malekith's successor and daughter; Alflyse. The queen, Alflyse, had agreed on a peace treaty on only one condition; if Odin allows her to be wed to one of his sons, and with Thor having responsibilities to fulill on Midgard, that left me. Father had spoken to me about this whole issue about three days ago. I refused to give up what little free-will Odin threw my way, now he wanted to ship me off to some other realm to keep peace that never existed in the first place, completely disregarding my feelings on this whole matter in the process. And moreover, I have a reason to stay in Asgard now. 

I turned to Thor and said, "Brother, do you really expect me to accept what father plans to lay upon me? You are free to gallivant to and from Midgard as you please while I am to be treated as a possession, being pawned off in order to appease someone I do not even care for? No, no. Father will have to come up with some other idea to keep the peace between Asgard and Svartalfheim because I refuse to play along like some mindless puppet." Thor sighed heavily, sat back on the couch and rubbed his face with his hands. I sat back as well, picked up my book and continued reading. "Brother," Thor spoke, words muffled by his hands, "father had raised some valid points in his proposal. You could end all the strife, usher in an age of peace between Asgardians and dark elves, do you not see how much good you would cause?" His eyes were on me now, silently pleading with me. I looked at him from behind my book, I was agitated. How could Thor want me to give up my life to serve the kingdom? I loved Asgard but not enough to give up my free-will. I glared at Thor and continued reading. Thor shifted forward on the couch, placed his left hand on my right shoulder and said, "Loki, I know the arrangement is not perfect but it is what is best for both kingdoms." I threw my book on the floor and whipped my gaze to Thor, "Why don't you just do it then?! Seeing as you know what is best for both kingdoms! And this is your doing , not mine! I did not kill Malekith! Why am I the one suffering?" I shouted and stood up from my seat. I felt a surge of rage coil in my core, I needed to be alone. "Brother, calm down. I did not come here to fight with you. I know it was my doing that caused this hostility, all father and I are asking of you is your help to fix it." Thor said nonchalantly. "Leave," my voice was low and menacing, "now. Before I stick a dagger straight through your heart." Thor sighed, got up and headed for the door. He paused near the door and said, "Just consider it, please." He then opened the door and left. 

Yrsa's POV:

I was laying on my bed, staring at the ceiling of my chambers; even after two nights of sleeping in here, I could not get over how marvelous my chambers are. I turned to my side and saw the sun setting through the wide window. Today had been a long day; so much has happened in such a short space of time. It was getting dark now, it was probably around seven in the evening. I did not feel like going down to the mess hall to eat today, the palace workers are not the nicest of people; just this morning, they called me Loki's concubine and they also said that it would only be a matter of time before he would bed me; if only they had known how right they were. I felt a lump swell in my throat and a tear trickle from my eye. I wiped it away quickly and closed my eyes, trying to forget about the name calling. But how could I forget? They were right. I feel so cheap, so easy. I was stirred out of my thoughts when I heard my door open slowly. I turned to find Aunt Freyer standing by the door and looking at me with sad eyes. "My dear, have you been crying? What is the matter?" She asked, her voice full of concern. She came over to my bed and sat next to me. "No, it is nothing Aunt Freyer, I just miss home." I lied. She smiled wearily and said, "Do not worry darling, We will write to brother and young Houlde in two days." I nodded and turned around again, looking out the window. "Are you going to go down for supper or may I just bring your food up?" I sniffled softly and said, "Please bring my food up Aunt, I do not wish to interact with a lot of people at the moment." "Very well, dear." My Aunt said and left the room. After a bit, Aunt Freyer had brought my and her food, ate with me and left once we were done. Now, I sat alone in this big room with nothing to do. After a short while, I decided to sleep early so I changed into my night clothes, opened my covers, got in my bed and slept. 

When I woke up, it was still dark and the moon was at its peak. It was midnight. I turned and laid on my back and sighed. Suddenly, I heard a light knock at my door. I groaned softly, climbed out of bed and headed for the door. I opened it and was met by Prince Loki leaning against the door frame with his right arm, head tilted down. "Pri- I mean, Loki, do you need assistance with anything?" I asked. He slowly tilted his head up and that's when I saw his eyes; they were all watery and coloured a light red. He'd been crying. I felt my eyes tear up at the thought of him crying. He gave me a weary smile and said softly, his voice cracking, "Right now, all I need you to do is hold me." I let him in and closed the door. When I turned around, I was met with a kiss. Slow and soft. Loki broke the kiss, placed his forehead against mine and whispered, "Yrsa, just hold me." I then wrapped my arms around his torso, laid my head against his chest and replied softly, "If only you will hold me as well." Loki kissed my forehead and wrapped his arms around me as well. We just stood there, enwrapped in one another and reveling in the temporary haven our bodies supplied to the other. 

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