Chapter 26

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Third person's [Narrator] POV: 

Loki, Yrsa and Lady Freyer were in the living quarters of the royal couple when the door to the sleeping chamber flew open. All three stopped in their tracks when the figure that stood at the threshold of the door came into clearer view; Odin. He was geared up in his full armour and had his spear, Gungnir, in hand. "Did you really think I would not find out what you were planning on doing here?" Odin bellowed from across the room. Loki stepped in front of Yrsa and Freyer in some effort to protect the both of them. "I didn't really care if you found out or not, I was just trying to get an innocent woman away from your blood-thirsty hands. Aunt Freyer has nothing to do with this situation, I just wish you'd kept it between you and I so less people would get hurt." Loki called out angrily. Odin tilted his head to the side and scrunched his nose like he smelled something putrid, "What do you mean 'aunt'?" "I mean exactly that." Loki said as he slightly puffed his chest out. "I feel a strong energy between you and the peasant girl. Did you...?" Odin trailed off as his face twisted in realisation. "Yes." Loki answered the unfinished question nonchalantly. "You truly are an embarrassment, Loki. How, in all the nine realms, could you wed a lowly maiden like her?" Odin spat as he peered over and glared at Yrsa who glared right back. 

Frigga quickly appeared in the middle of the heated exchange in a flash of gold. "Stop it, the both of you!" She exclaimed. "Frigga, stay out of this." Odin said calmly. "Odin, he's your son, you have to let him be happy." Frigga pleaded with her husband. "Loki was never my son, he will never be my son. He goes against my wishes time and time again." Loki looked at the only father he ever knew in anguished disbelief, his eyes filling up with tears. "Odin, how could you say that?" Frigga tilted her head to the side with a wounded look on her face. "It's alright, mother. I have always known you've never had love for me, father. You've always favoured  your golden boy, Thor, over me. Well, now you'll be rid of me for good." Loki said gruffly. "Oh no no, my dear boy. I refuse to let all the hard work I put into raising you go to waste; you will marry Alflyse and fulfil your duties as a prince." Odin spoke as he took a step closer. "That's where you are wrong, Odin; I am a king and I will be going home to Jotunheim with my queen and there is absolutely nothing you or anybody is going to do to stop us." Loki uttered defiantly as he took his own step forward. Odin snickered and replied, "You always insist on opposing me, Loki, yet you know I am always one step ahead," Odin paused then called out, "guards, bring them in." Soon after the command was uttered, a royal guard entered the room dragging two bodies along with him. Yrsa peered from behind Loki, utter anguish emerging on her facial features as she realised who the lifeless bodies belonged to; Houlde and her father, Freyr. "NO!" Yrsa screamed while Loki did his best to try and hold her back from charging at Odin with all her might. "Odin, I swear to the gods, YOU WILL PAY FOR WHAT YOU HAVE DONE!" Yrsa shouted as tears began to stream down her cheeks, her aunt audibly sobbing as well. 

"They both fought a brave fight," Odin begun, staring callously at the bodies of Yrsa's family, "but they were no match for my guards. It's a shame, your younger brother would have made an excellent guard one day." A look of mock sadness and pity enveloping the god of war's facial features. Then, suddenly, a blue beam went hurling towards Odin which knocked him over with a loud thud. The source of the beam was Yrsa who was hovering high over the ground, her eyes glowing a piercing arctic blue colour. "Get up, old man! GET UP AND FIGHT ME!" Yrsa bellowed, making the whole room rumble and shake. Odin grunted as he got up and sprung forward for Yrsa but missing because of her quick dodge. Yrsa then kicked forward and caught Odin's side causing him to grunt and move back a bit. As the fight between Yrsa and the All-Father ensued, Frigga helped Freyer exit the room while Loki held off guards that were storming in. "You have taken my family away from me, treated my husband like a puppet all his life, bruised and beat my aunt to a pulp. You are no noble king; you are a malicious brute who seeks out blood and for that, Odin, you shall pay dearly." Yrsa said with a maniacal cackle as she swung for Odin's head and caught him on the side of his wrinkled face. Odin then shot a gold beam from Gungnir which hit Yrsa's shoulder and wounded her deeply. Yrsa was thrown back, hit the wall hard and landed on the floor. "Yrsa!" Loki shouted as he ran to her aid. "Face it, my dear boy, your queen is no match for me." Odin uttered arrogantly. Yrsa groaned as Loki took hold of her. "Darling, we aren't prepared to fight Odin now. We need to leave or we will get killed." Loki murmured as Yrsa held her bleeding right shoulder. "Loki, where will we go?" Yrsa asked breathily. "Don't worry, darling, we're going home." Loki replied and kissed her forehead then continued, "I need you to go to Lady Freyer's chambers, that's where mother is trying to calm her down. I'll stay and try to weaken Odin then when you're ready with Aunt Freyer, I'll teleport us to Jotunheim." Yrsa nodded lightly, got up and ran for the door but was met by a guard that charged at her. The guard swung his spear at her but missed, giving Yrsa the opportunity to run out of the room. Loki then focused his attention back to Odin, who was already awaiting Loki to make his first attack. 

"I knew this day would but I wasn't sure when." Odin snickered. Loki then summoned a pair of daggers and threw them at Odin. One got lodged in Odin's leg while the other barely missed his left shoulder. "Oh father, I'm glad your wishes have come true." Loki uttered sarcastically as he lunged forward and kicked Odin on the chest. The All-Father stumbled back and hit the wall behind him. "I see your daily sparring with Thor has served you well." Odin grunted as he swung Gungnir in Loki's direction. Loki jumped back and landed gracefully a couple of meters away from Odin. "Well, your son is quite the fighter, you taught him well." Loki spat, a heavy sense of resentment oozing all across his words. Loki -Yrsa's voice sounded in Loki's head- my love, Aunt and I are ready to leave. Loki then lunged at Odin and heel kicked the side of his head, causing him to fall to the ground. Loki took this opportunity to dash out of the room and into Lady Freyer's. When he got inside, Yrsa was comforting her sobbing aunt; Yrsa herself on the brink of tears while Frigga was finishing up bandaging Yrsa's wounded shoulder. "Darling, shall we leave?" Yrsa asked as she snapped out of her teary daze, her voice trembling slightly. Loki walked over to Yrsa, who was sitting next to her aunt on the bed, and took hold of her left hand. "Mother, thank you for helping us thus far. I do not know if we will ever come back to Asgard or if I'll ever forgive Odin for what he's done to Yrsa but I shall keep in touch with you, no matter how far away I'll be." Loki uttered as he looked to his mother. Queen Frigga simply smiled, hugged her son tightly and kissed him on the cheek. "Farewell, you three." Frigga said softly, her voice trembling. "Goodbye, mother." Yrsa muttered as she stood from the bed to hug her mother-in-law. So -with a flash of green and gold- Loki, Yrsa and Lady Freyer vanished. 

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