Chapter 21

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Third person's (narrator) POV: 

Lady Freyer sat in her quarters reading an ancient Asgardian history book. The book was about all the great battles King Bor led. Lady Freyer was proud to be Asgardian, proud to be serving the king and queen personally. As her eyes flowed across the pages of her book, a knock sounded on her bedroom door. Lady Freyer placed the book on her bed and headed to the door. When she opened, she was met by a guard she recognised as a member of the royal guard. "Good morning, what brings you here, young man?" Lady Feyer asked with a soft smile. "The all-father wishes to speak with you in the throne room." the guard replied nonchalantly. "Regarding?" Lady Freyer asked once again. "I do not know, you will just have to come with me to find out for yourself, madam." The guard said before he turned to the right and walked off. Lady Freyer let out a shaky breath as she stepped out of her quarters and closed the door behind her. What did the king want to speak to her about? Was he finally going to release Yrsa from the dungeons? Freyer missed her niece so much, she had not visited Yrsa in quite some time.

 After what seemed to be a longer walk to the throne room, she pushed the doors open and entered the marvellously golden room. King Odin sat atop his throne while holding Gungnir, his trusted spear. He watched Freyer as she walked towards the golden steps that sprawled out in front of his throne. "My king, you wished to see me?" Freyer spoke as she bowed. "Yes. I wish to speak to you regarding your niece." Odin spoke out , his bold voice echoing across the entire room. Freyer's heart warmed a bit, maybe he was going to set her free and forgive her for her crimes after all. "What about her, my king? Are you to set her free?" Lady Freyer enquired as her head rose a bit. "No. It has come to my attention that you were helping Loki see Yrsa during her imprisonment." Odin spoke as he rose from his seat.

 Lady Freyer quickly snapped her head up and looked at Odin straight in the eye. How did he know? "Yes, I know now. I presume you know that helping a criminal in any way is considered treason and the punishment for that is imprisonment." Odin said as he glared down at Freyer. Freyer straightened herself and cleared her throat, "With all due respect, my king, my niece was wrongfully imprisoned. Loving someone and following your heart should not be considered a crime. Lock me up if you must. As long as my niece is happy, then I am happy as well." 

"You truly are selfless, Lady Freyer, but you are as selfless as you are stupid and your stupidity is what will get you killed one day." Odin said gruffly as he slowly made his way down the stairs to where Freyer stood. Lady Freyer stepped back a bit as Odin came closer to her. "You are going to pay for you and your niece's insolence to the throne." Odin spat as he pulled Freyer by the arm and threw her to the floor. Freyer hit the floor hard and groaned loudly in pain. "Guards, take her to my personal dungeons, she will be of great use to me very soon." Odin called out and two guards rushed to grab Freyer and take her away. "YOU WILL NEVER BREAK ME. WHATEVER IT IS THAT YOU WANT, YOU WILL NEVER GET IT, NEVER!" Freyer shouted as she was dragged away by the two guards. 

Loki's POV: 

Yrsa, mother and I were walking through the relics room to the secret passage that led to the outside of the castle. Yrsa and I had told mother what happened with the casket. She said that she had known this day would come and that she wanted me to embrace my lineage so she agreed to helping us escape to Jotunheim. "So Yrsa darling, how do you feel?" mother asked Yrsa as we turned a corner that led to another walkway. "I feel very... different but not in a bad way. I feel much stronger, I'm cold as well but it does not seem to be bothering me, my blood even feels cold. And I thi-" then Yrsa shrieked, quickly held her right temple and fell to the ground on her knees. "Yrsa!" I shouted as I knelt beside her, trying to calm her down somehow. "Aunt Freyer! No!" Yrsa screamed as she continued to clutch her head in her hands. Then suddenly, Yrsa fell quiet and steadied herself. Her eyes snapped open; they weren't glowing blue anymore, they were glowing an eerie red. Yrsa was looking straight ahead when she said, "Odin has taked Aunt Freyer to his dungeons." "What? How do you know that?" I asked frantically. "I can... feel it, I can even... see it right now. She's in some sort of pain. He's torturing her." Yrsa said eerily calm, like she was possessed or under some sort of spell. I touched her hand softly and caressed it, "Yrsa? Yrsa, it's Loki, can you hear me?" I whispered. Yrsa turned her head in my direction and blinked at me. Her free hand rose from her lap and touched my face. "Loki." Yrsa whispered before fainting in my arms.

 "Mother, what just happened? What's wrong with Yrsa?" I asked mother as I pulled Yrsa closer to me. "She has the power of Sight now. That means she can see and feel it when someone very dear to her heart is in danger. It's like a seventh sense for her." mother said quietly as she looked at Yrsa. "Why did she collapse? Will that happen a lot?" I asked again. "No, her body just isn't used to so much power yet but she will get used to all of her abilities soon." mother said softly. Abilities? What does she mean by that? How many other powers was Yrsa given by Laufey? I was stirred out of my thoughts by the sound of soft groaning and a slight movement on my lap. I looked down as Yrsa started to open her eyes; they were their normal colour, well, her new glowy blue normal. 

"Odin has Aunt Freyer, Loki. He's torturing her. We need to help her." Yrsa said frantically as she rose and sat up. Why does Odin even have Freyer locked up? "Loki, I think Odin knows about me gaining my powers and us wanting to leave Asgard, that's why he has Aunt Freyer, he probably wants us to separate and now he's using Aunt Freyer to get to me." Yrsa said as she looked at me. Her eyes were a soft blue now, less intense but still glowing brightly. How were we going to help Lady Freyer? Yrsa's emotions could get the better of her and she could end up destroying half of Asgard trying to get her aunt back to safety. I needed to come up with a plan and fast. 

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