Chapter 16

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Yrsa's POV:

Odin had locked me up in the dark depths of the palace, I was cast away like some petty criminal never to see the light of day again. The cell I occupied was all white and had reinforced glass as barriers. One of the guards had made fun of the situation; saying it was some what poetic that Odin had chosen to lock me up in the same cell Loki had once occupied as punishment after the havoc he had caused on Midgard. I was laying flat on my back on the hard and cold concrete floor. My eyes were burning because I had spent hours on end weeping, I'm sure they were tinted a dark shade of red. My body was excruciatingly painful; every single part of it ached. I didn't know how long I had been stuck in the cell; five days maybe. My hair probably looked like a mess as well. I hadn't taken a bath since the day I was dragged down here. I was tired too, beyond exhausted actually; I hadn't slept at all in the past few days. I felt weak and frail with the only source of food being the two meals I received daily; that is also how I kept track of time. Down here everything was gloomy and dark; I hated it.

I was snapped out of my haze when I heard light tapping on the glass. I turned my head to the direction I heard the tapping come from. A guard was standing near the barrier, he looked at me coldly and said, "You have a visitor," then turned around and left. I rose from the floor and sat up, facing the glass. After a short while, I saw Aunt Freyer approaching my cell. She stopped on the top step and her mouth slowly fell open as she laid her brown gaze on me. "Hello, Aunt." I said dryly, my voice was hoarse and raspy. Aunt Freyer put her left hand to her mouth and her eyes began welling up with tears. I tried standing up but my knees buckled so I fell to the ground. Aunt Freyer squealed and tried reaching for me but was blocked by the glass barrier. "Yrsa, how did you end up here?" Aunt Freyer asked, her voice was shaky and fragile. I looked to the side, recalling mine and Odin's exchange six days before. I had gotten myself in this mess, no one else was to blame; I had talked back to the all-father, committed a crime equivalent to treason and meddled in the affairs of the royals but quite frankly, I wouldn't change a single thing. I looked to Aunt Freyer, smiled wryly and said, "I fell in love with a god, Aunt, that's how I ended up here." My thoughts then drifted off elsewhere... Loki. I had not seen him in so long. My chest suddenly felt painful and my vision went blurry because of the tears that were forming. I looked to Aunt Freyer and asked softly, "How is Loki doing?" Aunt Freyer shifted slightly and scratched the back of her head. "I do not know, Yrsa sweetheart. Queen Frigga tells me he has locked himself away in his chambers since the day they dragged you away and allows no one inside, not even Prince Thor or Queen Frigga." Aunt Freyer said.

My heart sank to the pit of my stomach, Loki has locked himself up in his chambers. He had not even taken the time to come and see me down here. Did he even still care about me? Was he at all concerned about my well being? I felt my cheeks suddenly become wet and I realised I was crying, profusely so. No sound came from my mouth, I was too frail for that, soft huffs and sniffles were all that echoed in my ears. "Darling, do not fret. I am sure he is fine and that he will come see you soon." Aunt Freyer spoke softly. I looked at Aunt Freyer and shook my head, "He probably won't, he's probably glad to be rid of me." I muttered, wiping my eyes with the back of my palms. "Darling, do you really think so little of me?" That husky, velvety voice. Aunt Freyer smiled, stepped to the side and said softly, "Well, I thought I would wait till the end of our conversation to tell you about this surprise but it seems that somebody couldn't be patient enough to wait." She looked behind her and a tall figure appeared... there he was; my Loki. My heart fluttered at the sight of him. He was dressed in black trousers that reached down to his ankles and an emerald cotton shirt with a golden strip pattern on the hem, he was also barefoot for some reason. He stood with his hands clasped behind his back near the barrier with a weak smile on his face. His face... he looked so... worn out, so... tired, so... broken. He had dark rings around his eyes, his shirt looked damp; maybe from sweat or... tears. His lips were dry and his skin looked paler than normal, yet even like this; I found him astonishingly beautiful. His lips curled up in a small smirk as he came to a halt on the top step. "Loki." I murmured as I felt more tears stream down my face. "Hello darling." He said, his voice so mellow and warm. "I'll leave you to it then my lovelies. I'll see you again tonight, Yrsa dear." Aunt Freyer said as she walked off. "Thank you, Aunt, thank you so much." I called out after her. "No need to thank me, dear." Aunt Freyer said as she headed off to the main staircase.

I turned my gaze to Loki who was already looking at me. "Do you wish me to come in, dear?" He asked gently. I looked at him, tilted my head to the side and asked, "How are you goin-" then suddenly Loki vanished from outside my cell and reappeared sitting next to me on the floor. I gasped in surprise and almost fell over. Loki quickly grabbed my right arm and steadied me. I looked into his emerald orbs as I felt his left hand slip into my right one. He smiled softly and muttered, "I've missed you so much, darling." I shifted slightly and pulled him into an embrace, wrapping my arms around his neck. I felt his arms wrap around my torso and he pulled me closer to his chest. I breathed him in; revelling in his being fully enveloping me. My neck suddenly felt wet then I heard a small huff escape Loki's chest. A tear trickled down my own cheek as I whispered, "I'm here now. Do not fret, Loki. I'm here." I began to softly rub his back as he planted the occasional butterfly kiss on my neck. Loki softly breathed in and out, then he slowly pulled away from me. His hands were sprawled on my back and mine were interlocked around his neck as we stared into one another's eyes while smiling softly. "I'm sorry I didn't come visit you sooner." Loki muttered softly as he gave me a weary smile. I leaned in and kissed his cheek. "I truly am sorry I had not come to see you sooner, Odin had forbidden me from leaving my chambers for the past five days; he had put a magic barrier in order to prohibit anyone from entering my rooms and stop me from using my magic to escape somehow. So I was stuck in that room, reliving that horrid day when they dragged you away from me like you were some kind of animal. I'm so sorry, my love. I'm sorry I got you into this mess." Loki murmured into my left ear. "Do not worry about it, Loki, I'm just glad you're here now, with me; in my arms." I said quietly.

Loki spent the rest of the day with me and whenever the guards came to my cell to drop off food or check in on me, he would use an illusion to conceal himself. By my estimation, it was late in the evening when Aunt Freyer came to my cell again. Loki and I were laying on the floor, staring at the ceiling and talking. We had heard a light tap on the glass and we both looked to the side to find Aunt Freyer smiling weakly at us. Loki shifted and sat up, pulling me along with him. "My prince, it is getting pretty late and Her Majesty will come looking for you if she does not find you in your chambers. I'm sorry but you will have to come with me." Loki looked down to me and his eyes welled up with tears. "I do not want to part with you, I don't even know when I'll be able to come down here again." Loki murmured softly. My heart suddenly ached at the thought of not seeing Loki again for another five or more days. My eyes started burning and tears started trickling down my cheeks.

"Loki?" I questioned softly as I looked up at him. "Yes, darling?" He enquired with a soft smile on his face. "Promise me something." I whispered as I placed my hands in his. "Anything." Loki said as he squeezed my hands lightly. "Promise me you won't forget about me, no matter how long we are separated. Promise that you will remember the short but sweet times we had together and keep them in your heart. And Loki, if anything happens to me in here and it results in my death; promise me that I will live on in your dreams and heart." My eyes stung even more and my vision blurred a bit as more tears rolled down my face. "Yrsa-" Loki looked to the side as his bottom lip quivered lightly. "Loki, promise me." I muttered, cutting him off as I softly gripped his chin with my thumb and index finger and turned his head so he could look straight at me. "I promise all that you've asked of me, my love. Yrsa, don't ever mention death and your name in the same sentence again, just... don't ever put the thought of you dying in my head again; losing you would kill me." Loki whispered as his left hand came up and softly caressed my cheek. I nuzzled into his touch and kissed the palm of his hand. "I love you so much, Yrsa." Loki whispered as he looked deep into my eyes. I smiled softly and replied, "I love you too, Loki, more than you will ever know." He chuckled softly and kissed my forehead. He then rose from the floor and vanished. Loki reappeared outside of my cell, next to my aunt. "I'll see you soon, my love." Loki said to me. "Goodbye, my prince." I said softly. Loki gave me one last smile and descended down the staircase reluctantly.

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