Chapter 30

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Yrsa's POV: 

I was laying in bed with Loki, his arms around my waist and his head in the crook of my neck. I was laying flat on my back staring at the ceiling. It was probably early morning. I hadn't been up this early in quite some time, maybe it was because of everything racing through my mind. Odin would unleash his army upon Jotunheim any day now and I worry for my kingdom, my new home. What if Jotunheim gets destroyed? What if Loki and I fail to protect our home? I've lost so much already, all I have is my kingdom and my Loki and I cannot afford to lose any of those things. A tear slipped from my right eye and slid down my temple. "Yrsa." Loki suddenly whispered sleepily beside me. "Yes, darling?" I replied. Nothing. I turned my head slightly to the side to look at him, his eyes were closed; he was dreaming. I smiled softly and turned my head again to look at the ceiling. "No, no." Loki said again. I stayed still and continued to listen. His grip around my waist tightened slightly and he moved his head deeper into the crook of my neck. "Kill me instead..." Loki continued, still fast asleep. "Loki?" I murmured as I tried to softly shake him awake. "No, no please. Let her be..." Loki muttered drowsily. "Loki, darling, wake up." I said again. "No, no... Yrsa, Yrsa, I'm so sorry, I'm sorry..." Loki mumbled. I felt the side of my neck become more and more wet, my heart broke and tears gathered in my eyes. I turned to the side and shook Loki by his shoulders. "Loki, wake up."  I uttered. Loki jerked awake, his watery eyes snapping open. "Yrsa?" He whimpered, his voice breaking. "Yes, it's me, darling." I said as I stroked his hair. Loki lurched forward and wrapped his arms around me, promptly coaxing me into a tight hug. I wrapped my arms around him as well, accepting the act of affection. 

"Please, never leave me, my love." Loki whisper-cried as he clutched onto me tighter. "Loki, are you okay? What were you dreaming about?" I asked worriedly as I caressed his back with both my hands. "I'd rather not relive that, it was just... too horrifying. Just never leave me, okay?" Loki whispered. "It's you and I till the very end, I'm not going anywhere." I uttered softly. "I love you." Loki said into my ear. "I love you more, darling." I replied. Suddenly my head began to throb painfully. I jolted out of Loki's arms and leapt off the bed as my eyes shut quickly. My breathing quickened as I clutched my head and groaned in pain. "Yrsa, what's wrong? Is it another vision?" I heard Loki ask. I nodded quickly. My knees buckled and I fell to the ground. My head spun and then that's when I saw it; Odin leading his army to the Bifrost, them arriving to Jotunheim, Loki and I leading the kongelig hær to battle. My eyes snapped open as I sucked in a quick breath. "Yrsa, what did you see?" Loki asked, he had one hand on my bare waist and one on my right forearm, helping me up from the floor.  "Loki, Odin is ready. He'll be here soon." 

Narrator's POV: 

"Father, why do you not see that fighting Loki will bring no good?" Thor enquired as he sheathed his sword and approached Odin who was sitting on his throne. Odin sighed as he got up from his seat. "Thor, that criminal disrespected me and all of Asgard and that, my dear boy, will not go unpunished." Odin replied as he made his way down the staircase towards Thor. "He is your son, father, and my broth-" "HE IS NOT MY SON!" Odin roared, cutting Thor off. "Loki was never my son and he was never your brother. Remove him from your heart, Thor, he has done more harm than good." Thor looked at his father, completely dumbfounded. He blinked away the tears that had gathered behind his eyelids. "How could you say that? You raised Loki, cared for him all these years and now you discard of him because he has chosen to follow his heart? I have never known you to be so cruel, father." Thor spat, his face displaying a look of utter hatred. Odin snickered lightly and spoke, " Oh Thor, I am not being cruel, I am simply punishing those that went against my wishes." Thor scoffed bitterly and uttered, "Well father, I hope your little conquest proves fruitful because I am not joining your little ego booster of a killing spree." "Oh no no, you will be coming to Jotunheim with me and we will fight against Loki and his troops, whether you like it or not." Odin said rather callously, anger burning in his eyes as he stared Thor down. Thor puffed his chest out slightly, slowly stalked forward and looked Odin dead in the eye, "I said no." His voice low and gritty. 

Just then Frigga walked in. Seeing the silent face-off happening between her husband and son, she rushed over and pushed them apart. "What is going on here?" Frigga questioned as her eyes welled up with tears. "Stay out of this, Frigga, please." Odin pleaded. "No. I am sick and tired of you driving our children away. Are you to banish Thor as well because he will not obey your wishes? He simply will not fight his brother over something so foolish, why do you insist on going through with this?" Frigga uttered. "Loki will pay for what he has done, whether the both of you are against my actions or not." Odin spat and swiftly walked away. 

Odin marched out to the training fields and watched over the guards training. It was noon on Asgard and the scorching sun was at its peak. "GUARDS!" Odin bellowed from the platform he stood upon. All the commotion came to an abrupt halt and all the guards assembled in front of their king. "TODAY, WE WILL CHARGE INTO BATTLE! WE WILL SLAUGHTER ALL THAT STANDS IN OUR WAY AND CONQUER OUR ENEMIES! COME HEL OR HIGH WATERS, WE WILL EMERGE VICTORIUOUS; FOR PRIDE, FOR HONOUR AND FOR ASGARD!" Odin shouted. "FOR ASGARD!" The troops roared as they thrusted their swords in the air. "READY YOURSELVES!" Odin bellowed once again. Back on Jotunheim, Yrsa saw everything unfold before her using her Sight. She and Loki were down in the depths of their castle, readying their troops as well. Loki was busy with a guard when he noticed Yrsa's change in eye colour and how she was just staring into the abyss. He walked over to her, lightly caressed her left arm and uttered, "Darling, what do you see?" Yrsa slowly turned her head towards him, her eyes still glowing a bright lapis shade, "He's coming." 

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