chapter 1

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ariana's house 10:00 pm

i take one final look at myself in the mirror, making small adjustments to my hair and makeup.

"ariana come on we're gonna be late!" vic calls out, poking her head outside the car window.

"bitch i'm coming!" i yell back. victoria's always rushing me, it's annoying as fuck but i know i wouldn't have made it to half of my promo events on time if she wasn't there for me.

as i enter the car vic turns to me, eyes wide. "did you remember the presents?"

"oh fuck" why can't i remember to do the simplest things?

"girl im just playing with you," she smiles, pulling out two bottles of champagne from the back of the car.

"don't do that it's not funny!" i whine.

"you're right it's hilarious"

"shut upp" i say, rolling my eyes.

i turn on my phone and text miley to let her know we're on the way. she recently bought a new house so she invited me and vic to her housewarming party. i usually don't go to these type of things, but vic forced me.

she said that playing video games and watching horror movies by myself til' 5 am then sleeping in all day isn't "healthy" and i need to "talk to people" like she's my therapist or something. if i'm being honest, i've been on tour all year and get back to the final leg in about a week or so. i think i deserve some me time.

*** 30 minutes later

we pull into miley's driveway. the flashing lights and music coming from the house bringing me to the realization that i'm actually at a party.

"uhm on second thought" my lips start to tremble. "maybe you should go in vic and ill just...stay here for the whole time"

"is your anxiety kicking in again?" she asks.

i nod.

"can we at least go for an hour? maybe you'll change your mind"

"fine" i say crossing my arms. "30 minutes"

"45 minutes" she protests.

"30 minutes"

vic narrows her eyes, then shakes her head smiling. "sheesh you're stubborn, 30 minutes it is then."

walking up to the door, the pit in my stomach only grows. i hate parties.

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