chapter 16

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a/n sorry this part is bad i'm having writers block the next ones should be better hopefully

dalton's pov

i'm never getting over the fact ariana said 'i love you' to me last night. we've been together for a bit but a part of me never really felt sure of what our relationship meant.

"dalton..." ariana mumbles, not opening her eyes.

"yes ari?"

"come back to bed" she stretches her arms out. i'm surprised she even heard me get up with all her snoring. ariana smiles as i begin to caress her face.

"i was gonna make us breakfast."

"fuck breakfast, im better than breakfast..." she groans, saying other words i can't make out.

i plant a kiss on her forehead. "ari, go back to sleep i'll be back"

"nooo, dalty please" ariana pouts. she sits up and wraps her arms around my waist, pulling me towards the bed, preventing me from getting out.
"stay." the tiniest hint of seriousness i hear in her voice convinces me to lay with her for another hour.

"now we have to get up, come on" i say patting ari on the back. "i have to go visit dakota and i'm going out to hang with my friends later today so i don't want to waste our time together"

"ooh i wanna come!" she exclaims.

"are you sure? it might be boring for you..."

"not if you're there it won't" she replies. "plus you've met my friends i think it's time i've met yours. i'll go get ready"


outside my brother's tattoo shop, ariana get recognized by a few fans, taking the time to stop and chat with them.

"they're the reason i'm where i am in the first place it's the least i could do to show them the same love they show me" she explains to me.

it's honestly cute watching her, she seems really happy with what she does.

dakota greets us when we walk in.

"i think i've seen that before," he points at ariana's sweatshirt.

"is that mine?" i raise an eyebrow.

"nah you're seein shit" she giggles.

ariana goes to look around the shop while me and dakota talk. she comes back, with her eyes lit up.

"i want a new tattoo" she grins wide pointing to her side. "right here"

"looks like we'll be staying for a little longer than i thought" i say to my brother.

ariana leans against my chest and looks into my eyes. "you said you have to go meet up with your friends though is that ok? i don't want you to be late"

"it's okay they won't mind" i say rubbing her arm.

ariana lays down in the chair getting ready. the when then needle hits her skin her breath hitches and she grabs my hand.

"with the amount of tattoos you've gotten i would think that it wouldn't hurt for you"

"it doesn't hurt i just wanted to hold your hand but nevermind" she huffs and lets go.

"noo, i liked it"

"you've lost your hand holding privileges now shoo" her voice was stern but i could see she was fighting the urge to smile.

i laugh and do as she says, sitting in the lounge area.

towards the back i overhear two guys talking.

"damn is that ariana grande?"

"i think it is"

"man the things i would do to her. i know she a freak in bed probably call you 'daddy' and shit"

"yeah man wouldn't be surprised if she a slut"

as they continue to talk i get more furious by the second. what the fuck is wrong with these guys who think they can just talk about women like that?

ariana's pov

"holy shit! bro are you ok?" dakota jumps up. dalton comes in, the sight of blood dripping down from his nose sending me into shock.

"what happened!?" i exclaim.

"it's nothing, to be honest you should see the other guys" he chuckles.

"this isn't funny i'm worried" i frown.

"i am too. dalton, you're usually not the one to get physical," dakota agrees.

"-if you're not going to tell me we're going back home so you can rest"

"our parents house is nearby you guys can just go there" his brother suggests.

even once we get in the car dalton doesn't tell me why he got in a fight which makes me scared. is it cause he doesn't trust me? we arrive at his parents house where i had been just weeks before under different circumstances.

"no one should be home there's a spare key under the mat"

"let's get you cleaned up" i say. dalton tilts his head back as i dab away the blood from his nose.

"we didn't really need to come all the way out here, it's not that big a deal ari"

"it IS a big deal.... to me at least," i break eye contact with him and fix my gaze at the ground.

"i had to do something. i know maybe fighting wasn't the best way but i was just so mad... the things they were saying about you were disgusting-"

"s- stop"


"don't put yourself in danger for me i'm the last person who deserves it"

"i'm not in danger. baby look at me, i'm fine i'm ok"

"you're hurt because of me" i caress his face.

"it's not your fault"

"it is... if i had just stayed home, if we weren't together none of this would've happened"

"don't talk like that-"

"it's the truth dalton. every person i've been with has gotten hurt in some way or another. people are always going to say things about me... and people are going to start saying things about you too. i don't want to put you through that"

"i don't care how hurt i get I'll love you regardless" he places his hand on mine.

"woah what happened to your face?" tori asks, entering the room

dalton completely ignores her question, not taking his eyes off of me.

"i- i have to go. nice to see you again tori"

"ariana wait please," he pleads.

i give a weakened smile and rush out the room tears falling down my face.

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