chapter 9

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time skip to end of the week

ariana's pov

i've been dreading this day. the last day before i go back on tour. fuck i really wish i didn't have to go. i sit up and check my phone. i have until 5:00 pm before i have to go back home and get ready for my flight to new york. 

"i don't even get to spend a full last day with him" i frown. my pity party is put on hold as the smell of coffee from the kitchen comes in the room. is he still here? i go downstairs to see dalton drinking coffee, shirtless. 

"oh good you're awake" he says, handing me a cup. "listen, i got the whole day planned-"

"where is your shirt?" i interrupt.

"i don't think you should be saying that 'miss-i-dont-wear-anything-but-panties-around-the-house'" he counters, and pulls the elastic of my underwear band. 

i feel my face get hot from the embarrassment. 

"mhm that's what i thought," dalton smirks, squeezing my ass.

i swat his hand away and glare at him. "anyway... shouldn't you be at work?" 

"i took the day off so we could be together before you leave," he smiles.

ugh, why does he do so much for me? i don't deserve this at all. 

my eyes start to well up. shit. the last thing i want is for him to think he did something to hurt me.

"hey, hey, hey, ariana what's wrong? you know what, forget the plan i had we'll do whatever you want to do today. okay? so please don't cry," dalton wipes my tears, and kisses me on the forehead. 

"can we just stay like this?" i say, wrapping my arms around him not wanting to let go.

"if that would make you happy then yes, anything for you"

dalton's pov

after a bit of cuddling, ariana jumps up and throws a shirt at my face. "get dressed,"


"because i said so, hurry up"

i do as she says. we exit the house and walk over to the car, both of us reaching for the driver's seat.

"i drive

"it's gonna ruin the surprise if you do, you don't even know where we're going" ariana crosses her arms. 

"we'll use a GPS. i'm not letting you drive"

"WHY?" she yells.

"because i said so" i say mocking her.

"this is so annoying" she groans.

i smile. "annoying you is what i'm best at, now get in the car and tell me where we need to go"

an// how does this story have more than 100 views help?? im so grateful, especially since this is my first. i'm constantly experimenting and trying to improve my writing so i wanna thank y'all for being patient with me and sticking with this story <3 

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