chapter 14

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(skip to end of tour)

ariana's pov

tears roll down my face as i get off stage, brian and scott by my side with the flowers everyone got me in celebration of the last show on tour.

"i love you guys so so much. this tour means everything to me and it couldn't have happened without you all"

i begin to ramble, as i usually do thanking everyone. an unexpected tap on the back makes me jump.


"hey ari!" he laughs and gives me a hug. 

"this is such a surprise! when did you get here?"

"about 2 hours ago. i watched the whole show actually"

"you did? ugh you should've told me i would've gotten you a better seat" i huff.

"nah it's fine the view from my seat was amazing. you all did an awesome job out there" he smiles.

"thank youu! now come with me we definitely need to catch up." i grin.

dalton's pov

being with ariana after not seeing her for weeks feels surreal. i almost forgot how breathtakingly beautiful she is in person.

"do you think i talked too much during my lil speech thing?" she says checking her makeup in the mirror. "cause i feel like i come off as annoying sometimes but i just want everyone to know i'm grateful, y'know?"

ariana is always worrying and paying attention to the littlest of things that most people wouldn't even notice. it's so adorable to see how big a heart she has but i can tell when she overwhelms herself so i try to reassure her everything's ok to ease her mind.

wrapping my arms around her waist from behind, i kiss her head. "every word you said was perfect baby. you don't need to worry,"

she looks up at me and smiles, caressing my face. "are you coming to the after party tonight?"

"didn't know i was invited"

"of course you're invited"

"then i guess the answer's yes" i grin.

ariana's pov

hanging out with my friends and family with dalton here too is everything i need right now. it seems like the perfect night. victoria walks up to me, pouring herself a drink.

"ari i forgot to tell you, mikey's here. said something about needing to talk to you" she points me in his direction and mikey waves at me from across the room. i hope this isn't about anything too serious.

"you look beautiful tonight ariana" mikey smiles.

i look down. "thank you mikey"

we stand around in silence for an uncomfortable amount of time. with each second passing i can feel my anxiety rise.

"who's dalton?" he asks in a cold tone.

"uh, my friend why?"

"is he really a friend? cause everyone here seems to think you guys are-"

"mikey i don't really wanna talk about this right now ok? we can discuss this later"

"but ari-"

"please. not now"

before he gets to say anything else i walk away. i'm not upset with him for asking. he deserves an answer. it's just an answer that i don't have and i don't want to deal with. everything's finally falling in place for me and i don't wanna ruin it by trying to figure this out yet. 

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