chapter 6

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AN //  long chapter!

the next day

ariana's pov

i wake up with a throbbing headache, probably caused by all the drinking i did with dalton last night. toulouse jumps up onto the bed beside me and begins to lick all over my face.

"well good morning to you baby," i chuckle and pet him. "ugh i hate when i fall asleep with my makeup on"

i leave the comfort of my bed to go do my morning routine. passing by the mirror, i realize that i still have dalton's jacket on which fills me both with happiness and embarrassment.

it smells like him.

interrupting my thoughts, the buzzing of my phone catches my attention. i turn it on to see a notification from an unknown number.

D: hey ari it's dalton, miley gave me your number. i just wanted to let you know i had a great time with you last night-- also no worries about my jacket you can keep it :)

AG: hii and no omg please take it back i feel so guilty

D: are you sure? imo it looks cuter on you and i don't really need it anyways

he's such a tease.

AG: i'm not gonna change my mind i will literally fucking drive to your house and give it back

D: ok bet. drive over right now, here ill send you my address

AG: ...right now?

D: right. now.

AG: ugh ok but i gotta get dressed first

D: you've been texting me naked?


D: you didn't deny itt


i cast my phone to the side of the bed and squeal as hard as i can into my pillow. i can't remember the last time i had such a big crush on a guy. maybe high school? i turn my head to toulouse who was in the process of making a chew toy out of one of my shoes.

"now what the fuck do i wear?"

dalton's pov

i know im the one who invited her over but ariana coming to my house is making me super anxious. the second i hear my doorbell ring i spring up from where i'm sitting and rush to the door.

"hi dalton!" ariana beams.

"hey... you look amazing"

"thanks," she blushes. "ok you don't need to keep gawking at me, are you gonna let me in or what?"

"oh yeah- sorry," i say letting her in. "do you want anything to drink or?"

"water please,"

we make our way over to the kitchen where she pulls out my jacket from her bag, perfectly folded.

"i had it washed and ironed," she smiles.

"you didn't have to, i appreciate it"

"it's the least i could do considering all you did for me last night. speaking of, i'm so hungover right now how are you even functioning?"

"i didn't drink almost two bottles of wine last night" i teased and she rolls her eyes.

"anyway, wanna watch a movie?"

"as long as i'm the one picking" she smirks.

"oh no what is that face should i be concerned?"

"hehe maybe,"

we sit down on the couch and i hand ariana the remote, watching her proceed to pick the most fucked up movie she could find.

"this one for sure"

"this one???" i ask.

"yeah, what you scared???"

"no i'm just surprised that's what you picked,"

"sureeeee" she says.

***1 hour later

as the movie goes on i notice ariana scooting closer and closer to me. i quietly wrap my arm around her, rubbing her shoulder.


"yes ari?"

"what's your last name?"

"gomez. why?"

"nothing just wondering," she answers, obviously trying to hide a smile.

whenever a jumpscare happens ariana subconsciously tugs on my shirt. she's so adorable, i can't believe we get to be this close. i met her only yesterday and i can't imagine how i lived my life without her in it.
after the movie ends we cuddle. ariana looks up at me and frowns.

"i only have one week left before i go back on tour. i'm gonna miss you"

"i'm gonna miss you too" we sit in silence for a bit. "how about you stay with me for the week?"

her eyes widen. "is that possible? what about your work, and my dogs, and my family is gonna get worried--"

"woah slow down we'll figure it out together, ok? don't stress yourself out over it" i comfort her.

⚠️the rest of this chapter is smut ⚠️

ariana's pov

dalton and i spend the rest of the day goofing off, messing with each other like teenagers.

"ariana give me the controller!" he exclaims.

"there's no way you beat my ass in mario kart i'm not gonna let you cheat!!"

dalton drags me to him by my legs. i try to squirm out of his grasp as he leans down, our faces an inch away from each other.

"maybe you're just bad," he smiles before pulling me into a passionate kiss.

my body responds with hesitation at first, but eventually surrenders to my urges. we make out, our lips rarely separating. i move up onto his lap, grinding my body against his. my hand makes its way to his belt buckle. dalton focuses on my neck, leaving behind multiple hickeys.

"mmm baby," i moan. i desperately wanted him inside me.

grabbing a condom from my bag, i reach into his boxers and pull out his dick. my jaw drops at the sight.

"you like what you see?" he chuckles.

"there's no way that's gonna fit,"

"i'll do it slow"

my breath hitches as he slowly lowers me onto him, my body quivering.

"ari you ok? we can stop whenever you want," he offers.

"n- no, it's- it's fine i just need to get used to it" i stutter.

i slide myself up and down his length, our moans increasingly getting faster.

"fuck, you're tight" dalton whispers.

he holds me by the waist and starts moving himself, practically drilling into me.

"d- dalton i think i'm gonna- fuck" he speeds up, and my eyes roll back. "ohh my god"

"cum for me baby," he grunts.

my body contracts, releasing my juices. soon after, dalton finishes too.

"did i go too hard?" he asks, referencing my still trembling body.

"no it was amazing, the best i've had in a while,"

"oh really? i'm honored" he smiles, giving me kisses on my cheek.

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