chapter 5

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ariana's pov

"what do you mean?" dalton looks at me with concern.

fuck, why did i say that?? he probably thinks i'm some stuck up diva now.

"you know what forget it, it was stupid of me to say" i attempt to laugh it off.

"oh fuck that, i don't care if you think it's stupid, i will gladly hear whatever you have to say" he insists.

"no really it doesn't matter,"

"if it doesn't matter then tell me,"

"i- ugh fine"

suddenly, everything just pours out of me. i begin to tell dalton everything, the breakups, breakdowns, and all the beat downs i've had over the years.

"i'm sorry i don't even know why i'm telling you this," i say, wiping the tears from my eyes.

"no ariana it's ok you've gone through a lot, a lot more than one person ever should," he places his hand on mine. "you're strong, and for that i admire you."

"thanks," i sniffle.

we continue to talk through the night, drinking, laughing, crying a lil more, our conversation feeling like we've known each other for years. it's so easy with dalton. i don't feel the need to act differently around him i can just be myself.

dalton's pov

while we're talking, ariana lies her head on my lap. i take a mental picture, wanting to savor this moment forever. she's crazy beautiful and her personality is 10x better. i really hope she likes me as much as i like her. hearing the sounds of soft snores, i realize that she's fallen asleep, and gently place my jacket over her.

"oh there you are!" miley walks up to us with another girl trailing behind. "when dakota told me who you were with i didn't believe him, but looks like i was wrong"

"what? oh hey guys," ariana sits up, rubbing her eyes. "shit, did i fall asleep on you? sorry,"

"nah it's totally fine, you don't need to keep apologizing" i smile.

at the sight of the girl behind miley she widens her eyes.

"victoria where the fuck have you been???"

"i got... distracted"

"distracted? i'm not even gonna ask for details but best believe im yelling at you tomorrow"

"now hold on, who is this fine tall man you were getting all cozy and cuddly with?" victoria asks looking at me up and down. i feel like i'm being analyzed.

"uh hey, i'm dalton" i respond.

"nice to meet you dalton, i'm victoria" she shakes my hand. "now if you excuse me, i need to take this big baby home before she throws another tantrum"

"oh my god, bitch stop embarrassing me," ariana exclaims, jokingly pushing her.

"thank y'all so much for coming it really means a lot" miley says, pulling both girls into an embrace.

"thank you for inviting us i'm glad we came," ariana turns to me, motioning to come closer. she leans up and gives me a peck on the cheek before walking away. "bye dalton"

"bye ariana..." i lift my hand to my cheek. i must be dreaming.

miley goes over to inspect the lounge chairs. "y'all didn't fuck right? cause' these are new."

"what? no, of course not"

"ok but when y'all get married you better give me credit for setting you two up" she teases.

"i don't even know if she likes me as a friend yet slow down"

"y'all are meant to be i can see it. now come on, we gotta say bye to the rest of the guests"

meant to be, huh?

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