chapter 22

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ariana's pov

i blink my eyes open and groan. period cramps. i softly sigh, grabbing my phone from the nightstand. since i'm gonna be practically immobilized the whole day, i text my manager to cancel all my plans. dalton doesn't come back from san diego until tomorrow so there wasn't much i was looking forward to doing anyways. i throw my phone god knows where and pull my blanket over my head drifting back off to sleep. it feels like the second i close my eyes the doorbell rings, followed by the barking of the dogs. i drag myself out of bed mumbling all sorts of curses as i go down the steps, toulouse following close behind.

"what do you want?" i grumble, answering the door.

"damn, based on our phone call yesterday i thought you would be more excited to see me" dalton jokes.

my eyes widen. "dalton?! but you said you're supposed to be arriving tomorrow"

"i talked to my boss and he said that since i've been doing such a great job lately i could leave early" he tells me, handing over a bouquet of flowers.

"dalton aw thank you, you didn't have to" planting a kiss on his cheek i walk to the kitchen to put them in a vase. "sorry if i don't seen myself today my period started and to be honest all i want is a fucking melatonin pill and to sleep for 14 hours" i chuckle.

dalton comes up from behind, rubbing my shoulders. "whatever you want, spending time with you is all that matters to me"

i take a quick shower and let dalton pick a movie for us to watch. looking at my hair in the mirror, a thought crosses my mind.

"you haven't seen my natural hair right?"

"uh yeah i haven't. why?"

i walk out of the bathroom, revealing my curls by doing a pose.

"my god you're the cutest thing alive, no offense to toulouse"

"so you like it?" i say, sitting down on the bed.

"are you kidding i love it! come here" dalton pulls me in tight and starts attacking me with kisses all over.

"stopp dalton that tickles" i playfully whine. "if my cramps start up again i'm blaming you"

"i missed you like crazy" he mumbles on my neck.

"i missed you too"

the rest of our day is spent cuddled up under the blanket and watching mindless movies, enjoying each other's presence. i could get used to this. while i'm falling in and out of sleep, dalton's phone rings.

"who's on the phone?" i murmur as he answers.

"it's just one of my friends baby" dalton whispers, kissing my forehead. "what- oh nah it's just my girlfriend she wanted to know who i was talking to"

i smile widely and sink closer into his chest.

"my girlfriend" i like the sound of that.

dalton's pov

next morning

ariana places two cups of coffee on the counter. "good morning my handsome and sweet boyfriend" she sings walking over to me.

"so i've finally been upgraded to the boyfriend title" i spin ariana around. "morning baby" grabbing her waist, i pick her up and place her on the kitchen island.

"you did  say it first" she giggles, straddling her legs around me.

"i wanted to know how it sounded before i said it to you. plus, i thought you wouldn't hear you seemed so out of it" i explain and rub her thighs. i'm kinda glad she heard me now.

"my hearing makes up for my sight don't underestimate me..." ariana smiles, putting her arms on my shoulders.

"what are you smiling at?"

"just thinking about how i'm the luckiest girl in the world getting to date you" she goes in for a kiss but we're interrupted by her phone going off with notification after notification. "do these people have nothing else to do but bother me on my day off?"

ariana's face changes from annoyance as she begins tapping away with a worried look on her face.

"fuck no no no no no" she drops her phone on the counter and puts her face in her hands.

"what happened?" i ask.

"TMZ. they posted a video of us making out at that restaurant the other day"

"oh shit"

"i mean it's grainy as hell but you can tell it's us" ariana says, passing the phone over. i read the article and frown a bit. i wish she had more privacy.

"it'll be okay. it's not like everyone knows" i reassure her, pushing her curls behind her ear and place a kiss on her rosy cheek.

"i know... i just wanted you all to myself a little longer before i shared you with the rest of the world" she sighs.

"nothing's changed. i'm still yours. come on let's eat breakfast"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2021 ⏰

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