chapter 21

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dalton's pov

after leaving the restaurant, we walk back to the car holding hands. the date went way better than i expected, i'm glad. when we arrive at her house, there's a car already parked out front with a man leaning against it preoccupied on his phone.

ariana leans forward to get a better look through my window. "...shit"

"who's that?" i ask.

"mikey" she groans.

"why is he here?"

"i don't know- just don't leave. please. and stay in the car" i watch as she gets out and walks over. something about this doesn't feel right.

ariana's pov

"what are you doing at my house?" i ask sternly. i was going to break things off with mikey. i should've broken things off with him.  but dalton distracted me and i thought it would just go away.

"you've been avoiding me i didn't know how else to reach you" he steps closer to me.

i cross my arms and look back to the car for a few seconds. knowing dalton's watching this whole thing is making this so much harder.

"who's in the car?"

great. the one question i didn't want him to ask.

"no one you need to worry yourself about. mikey we can talk in the morning okay? i'm tired please go home."

"it's dalton isn't it? you're seeing dalton"

i let out a frustrated laugh. "if you really wanna know so fucking badly, yes i'm seeing him. are we dating? i have no idea. but i do know he makes me happy and we had a great time tonight. why can't you just leave me be? why do you care so much about him?"

"because i love you!" mikey confesses. "i love you and i don't want you being used by a guy who doesn't. ariana i've known you for 6 years now. trust me i know what it looks like."

"he's not using- nevermind you know what? you should go. i'm not having this conversation with you."

"ari wait-"

"whatever this was- whatever we were was a mistake. i'm sorry" i turn around and walk back to dalton's car, trying to keep myself together.

dalton's pov

ariana returns with a somber look on her face. she taps on the window and i roll it down.

"hey.." she sighs, leaning in for a quick kiss.

"are you okay?"

"what? yeah i'm fine." she lies.

"are you sure-"

"you know what would be fun?" ari interrupts. "if you stayed over and we watched some shitty rom-coms. i have some movies i've been wanting to watch on netflix"

"i really wish i could ari, but im going to be staying in san diego for work starting early tomorrow" i reveal. i had found out about it this morning and wanted to tell her but could never find the right timing.

"for how long?"

"just until the end of the week"

she frowns visibly upset by my answer.

"we can do whatever you want when i come back, i promise" i say rubbing her cheek.

"...okay" ariana nods and gives me a hug. "thank you for tonight by the way. and for giving me a second chance"

"of course"

we say our goodbyes and i drive off wondering if she'll be alright without me.

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