chapter 12

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ariana's pov

i didn't realize until my first week away from dalton how much i'd gotten used to having him sleeping next to me. i missed his cuddles, his soft snores in my ear, the way we would stay up and talk through the night. not being with him is having a toll on my mood, and as much as i try to cover it up i think everyone else is starting to notice it too.

"ariana," brian walks in and takes a seat on the edge of my bed. "are you ok?"

"for the 5000th time yes, i don't know why everyone keeps asking me that" i groan.

"you've barely been eating, or sleeping, and you're always in your room. it's not healthy" he puts his hand on my shoulder. "if anything's going on at all you know you can tell us right?"

"yeah... i know thanks"

"ok," brian gets up to leave. "we're going to the movies if you wanna come,"

"who's going?"

"me, scott, taya, alfredo, mao and mikey"

"mikey?" i murmur. i haven't seen him in awhile.


"oh- um nothing. sure i'll put something on real quick" brian leaves the room and i rummage through my suitcase and throw on my usual outfit of an oversized hoodie and knee high boots. shortly after i get out to meet with the others, who were all collectively surprised i was coming.

"looks like someone finally left her room!" taya exclaims, giving me a hug.

"we missed you ari, you doing ok?" mao asks.

"shit, you guys are acting like we weren't literally performing on stage together a few hours ago," i laugh. "yes, i'm fine thank you. anyways what movie are we watching?"

"midsommar i think brian said" mao looks over to him in confirmation.

"MIDSOMMAR? i am not watching that movie again ari already forced me on the plane" scott crosses his arms.

"come onnn, do it for me." i pout. "pweasee?"


"yayy! this is why you're my favorite twin"

"hey!" brian glares at me.

"kidding kidding" i grin.

"alright, should we go then?" scott says.


ariana's pov

before entering the theater, i ask mikey to stay back.

"um, hey i know we haven't talked in a bit"

"yeah you kinda up and disappeared" he chuckles.

"it's just... i don't think im ready to commit yet. i should've-"

"it's ok ari we can talk about it later, let's just watch the movie"

we take seats next to each other as the screen lights up and the movie begins. i guess somehow i fell asleep because i wake up with my head on mikey's  shoulder.

"hey sleepyhead, enjoy your nap?"

"yeah" i blush.

the rest of the night after going back to our hotel, we hang around drinking and talking. now that i think about it i kinda feel bad for staying holed up in my room, i'm actually having fun.

"let's play truth or drink!" taya says, lifting a champagne bottle in the air.

"what are you guys, 12?"

"no obviously not mikey, 12 year olds can't drink" mao rolls her eyes.

"well i guess that's true." he laughs and turns to me. "ariana you playing?"

"nah i'm kinda shit-faced enough as it is" i chuckle. "oh actually, mikey can you come with me for a sec? there's something i wanna show you"

"uh sure"

grabbing his hand, i lead him to my room, closing the door behind me and locking it.

"so ari what did you w-"

i press my lips against his, connecting our mouths. the taste of alcohol on his tongue making me drunker than i already am.

"this is what you wanted to show me?"

"we can stop if you want-"

he shakes his head. "no i mean i just thought we weren't gonna do this anymore, the sneaking around shit"

"who said we were sneaking around? it's not like i was gonna fuck you out there in front of everyone," i take off my top and kiss him again, pulling him onto the bed. "... unless you wanted to,"

an// thank you for 1K reads!!

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