chapter 3

368 11 2

ariana's pov

"....fucking stupid short dress, stupid heels, stupid party, stupid victoria,"

i can't believe i fell like that in front of all those people. i should've just stayed at home. i find an unoccupied bedroom and throw myself on the bed. i get my heels off and chuck them at the other side of the room in frustration. i know crying is gonna completely ruin my makeup but i don't care. i sob and sob, until i hear a knock at the door.

"come in" i croak, surprised i even have the ability to speak right now.

a guy i don't recognize walks in. "hey um, i don't wanna bother you, i just wanted to check-in, with what just happened back there and all. you got up and left pretty fast so i was worried-"

"i'm sorry if this sounds rude but who are you?" i interrupt and look at him in confusion.

"oh, well the name's dalton" he replies.

"i meant like how do we know each other?"

"you don't remember bumping into me and then falling?"

"oh my god that was you?" i hide my face in my hands. "i'm so sorry"

"it's fine, don't worry about it really" he smiles and sits down beside me on the bed. "are you ok though?"

i lift my arms up and pretend to inspect my body. "aside from looking like a hot mess i think so"

"you definitely got the hot part right,"

did he just hit on me? i think he just hit on me.

"you don't look too bad yourself, dalton" i giggle.

we both fall into silence, staring into each others eyes for what feels like an eternity.

"how about we get out of here? i know the perfect place to show you," dalton stands up. "that is, if you want to of course"

"i really should be waiting for my friend..." i stop myself. you know what? fuck it. "actually, nevermind let's go"

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