chapter 8

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ariana's pov

i go over to the window. as soon as i catch a glimpse of who's there, i run to open the door.

"dalton!!" i exclaim, giving a hug.

"not dalton, but hello to you too"

after getting a look at his face, i immediately step back.

"shit, oh my god, im sorry, this is so embarrassing"

"it's okay," he laughs. "we get mistaken for each other alot, i'm his older brother dakota"

"nice to meet you," i smile. "wanna come in? i think dalton's coming home soon"

dakota nods and i let him in.

"you were at miley's party right?" i say, sitting down on the couch.

"yeah, actually i saw you and dalton together"

"oh you did?" i blush, remembering the events of that night.

"ariana if you don't mind me asking, are you and dalton-"

"dating? i mean we haven't really talked about it..."

"regardless of what you two have going on i think you're good for him"

i chuckle a bit, not believing what he said. my life is a mess, there's no way anything about me could be good for him.

"no it's true, i swear i've never seen him happier then when he was talking about you that night. he couldn't stop smiling."

"can you tell me more about him? like how he was as a kid," i ask. "dalton didn't really tell me much about his past"

dakota spends about the next 30 mins telling me a bunch of hilarious and adorable stories about dalton. halfway through one of them, the doorbell rings.

"that's must be your brother" i say, walking to the entrance.

"look before you hug this time!" dakota shouts from the living room.

i roll my eyes and open the door. the second dalton sees me he gives me a hug.

"don't crush me now" i joke, hugging him back. "how was your day?"

"how was your day?" he replies.

"well i didn't do much, but you got a visitor"

"heyy dalton" dakota waves.

"dakota? what are you here for?"

"please don't tell me you forgot again"

"forgot what?" dalton asks.

"the family dinner"

"fuck, i forgot"

"dumbass" he says, jokingly hitting dalton on the back of the head.

"shut up" dalton thinks for a bit then looks down at me. "you wanna come?"

dalton's pov

everyone in my family seems to like ariana as much as i do. even dad, which surprises me. just before we leave, mom pulls me to the side.

"you really love her huh?"


"i know what it looks like when one of my boys are in love"

".... she's amazing, i just don't know if i'm good enough for her"

she lifts my face up. "aww don't talk that way, you are. seeing the both of you reminds me of when me and your dad were younger"

"you think so?"

"of course" she smiles.

dakota comes up to us. "hey dalton you ready to go?"

i nod and hug mom goodbye, getting into the car.


"daltonnnn" ariana stumbles into the room, wine glass in hand.

"ari don't spill that"

she scrunches up her nose and stands straight. "why so serious?"

"i'm not being serious, im just saying be careful. and anyways how are you drunk already? we just got home"

"you know your dad said that i was the nicest girl you've ever brought over?" she laughs, climbing onto the bed.

"yeah he really liked you," i say, trying to grab the glass from her.

"stopp dalton" she whines and pulls the glass away, spilling the wine all over her shirt. "fuck, look what you did"

"what i did?"

"yes, now gimme" she tugs on my shirt.

"don't get wine on this too" i say taking it off.

"hush just give it" ariana puts my shirt on and gives me a peck on the cheek. "thank you cutie"

"yeah yeah, when you're hungover at rehearsal tomorrow, don't call me crying about how your head hurts"

"shut up i didn't even drink that much" she protests.

"we'll see about that tomorrow"

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