chapter 13

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dalton's pov

i facetime ariana in the morning since she never answered the phone last night for our usual call. she's been venting to me a lot about the pressures of being on tour and traveling lately, but i can't tell there's something else bothering her too.

"ari you seem a little on edge. everything ok?"

"i'm just a little tired from staying up last night" she yawns. "how are things back there?"

"oh you know, the same boring stuff. how about you?"

"it's great, really but as much as i love seeing my fans and performing i can't fucking wait to get home. actually i-" ariana pauses, looking out of frame.

"what? nobody" she giggles, looking back down. "sorry about that"

"you good?" i ask.

"yea it's just-" i hear a deep voice in the background but i can't quite make out what's being said, which fills me with worry and confusion. then she turns off her video.

the fuck is going on?


after a few seconds of silence, she responds.

"dalton uhm i'll call you back, see you soon ok?"

"ok bye i lo-" she ends the call before i get the chance to finish.

i trust ariana but i couldn't help but feel like she was hiding something from me. what wasn't she telling me?

ariana's pov

"ariii" mikey crawls onto the bed resting his head on my chest.

"i had to end the call you dickwad, what do you want?" i laugh.

"did you miss this? us being together, i mean"

"hmm, i mean yeah otherwise last night wouldn't have happened" i say playing with his hair. "but..."

"but what?" he looks up at me.

"it just feels a little weird y'know after we kinda broke it off and everything a few months ago"

"ari you're the one who started it up again"

"i know, i know..." i look down and smile, giving him a kiss. "you know what? forget i said anything, i'm happy how we are"

part of me wasn't sure of the last thing. i like mikey, but i don't want to completely rule out dalton as possiblity either.

fuck, what have i done?

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