chapter 15

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dalton's pov

"ari there you are! what did mikey say?" vic asks as ariana returns to the table.

"it was nothing important" she shakes her head then tugs on my sleeve. "dalton can we go?"

"like to your house?"

she nods. i want to ask why she wants to leave so early, but i decide to not press her about it in front of everyone. after saying bye, we get into the car and ariana stays quiet for most of the ride.

"i liked the party. think i made a good impression with your friends?"

"hm? oh yeah they love you," ariana responds staring out the window.

"something on your mind?" i ask.

"no, just tired...and drunk" she laughs.

entering her house, we get greeted by endless barking from her dogs.

"wow, you really run a whole zoo in here"

"they only get this excited when i've been gone for a while"

"who's this?" i say crouching down, the tiny brown and black dog licking my face. 

"that's coco. seems like she likes you" ariana gives a soft chuckle and picks up her phone to type something.

"ok i texted my mom and let her know you drove me home. thank you for that, by the way"

"no problem"

ariana bites her lip, before pulling me in by the collar and eagerly kissing me.

"you can slow down i'm not going anywhere" i laugh.

"you better not be." she smirks and drags me by the hand to what i assume is her bedroom, taking off her clothes to reveal a matching black lace lingerie set. our mouths intertwine as we move back onto the bed until her body is pressed against the headboard.

(skipping the smut cause i'm lazy lol)

ariana's pov

"just tired huh?" dalton says as he goes over to the bathroom to throw away the condom.

"fuck off i actually was"

when he walks back into the room i pull the covers over my head to hide my face. dalton climbs on top of me and pulls the blanket back.

"arianaa" he says playfully, making me giggle.


"i know i’ve kissed you like, ten times, but just like another ten, please."

"someone's getting greedy" i tease.

"to be fair, we haven't seen each other in almost 2 months i think my request is valid"

toulouse jumps onto the bed squishing himself right in between dalton and i.

"looks like toulouse says no"

"why does he get a say? he's been with you this whole time" dalton protests.

"if you really want to you can argue about it with him in the morning" i give him a quick kiss. "goodnight, i love you"

"i love you too" he smiles.

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