chapter 18

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this chapter is slightly inspired by @/petedreams !

ariana's pov

"i'm gonna ask you one last time: are you sure about this?" victoria asks. she helped me decide everything i'm wearing for the party tonight from my dress down to my shoes. i'm honestly proud of how i look for once.

i nod. "i'm sure"

when i called dalton that night, i couldn't get him out of my mind. vic was right. i liked dalton and i wanted to see him again. no i needed  to see him again.

tori answers the door and i hug vic goodbye. "thanks for coming" she beams.

"thank you for helping me out" i smile. "does he know i'm here?"

she shakes her head. "i thought it would be better left as a surprise, but he's in the back somewhere. i'm sure you'll find him"

i navigate my way through the house, trying to get recognized as little as possible. i catch a glimpse of his head from the other side of the room, my heart racing as i get closer.


there he is. dalton making out with a girl right in front of me. his hands all over her. her lips devouring his. they must really like each other.


"oh shit-" dalton quickly pulls away from the girl he was just tongue deep in and awkwardly scratches the back of his head. "ariana, i uh- um didn't know you were gonna be here"

i take a good look at the girl beside him. tall. pretty. big boobs. big ass. physically, everything i'm not. she glares at me, her narrow eyes  screaming "back off". the fact that they're both taller and looking down at me does not make me feel any better.

"what's your name?" i ask her.

she looks me up and down. "leyla"

"nice to meet you, leyla. i hope you two have a fun night" i say, giving a half-assed smile before taking off.

of course he's moved on. i'm stupid for thinking he wouldn't. i regret ignoring him for as long as i did. taking a seat on a nearby bench outside, i text victoria to come pick me up, my eyes blurry from tears.

"i have no idea how you walk that fast in those heels" 

i look up from my phone to see dalton standing in front of me, hands shoved in his pockets. before he gets to say anything, banging on the window behind us grabs both our attention.

"fuck off leyla" he hisses.

i observe as dalton walks over and proceeds to argue with the girl through the glass. he gestures a middle finger, which she returns. it's a rare sight to see, dalton acting so brash. i quietly giggle. he turns back around giving a forced smile.

"isn't she wonderful?" he says sarcastically.

"so she's your...."

"a childhood friend i've hooked up with more times than i'd like to admit" he sighs, sitting down beside me.

"and if i hadn't shown up tonight you would've hooked up with her. is that right?"
i clench my fists. the thought of dalton sleeping with another girl makes my blood boil.

"never thought i would see you out of all people ever being jealous" he gently wraps his arms around me and lifts me onto his lap. the familiar feeling of the warmth of his body envelops me from behind.

"i missed you ari. you look so gorgeous." dalton whispers, leaving a trail of kisses from my shoulder up to my jawline. he's been drinking i can tell, not completely drunk but  almost  there. my body gets worked up over his touch. even in this state, he still has more control of me than i thought.

"c- can we talk? about us?" i stutter. i feel flustered and hot and... oh my god i want him so bad. shit.

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