chapter 7

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ariana's pov

"ariana a week?!" victoria screams over the phone. "what about rehearsals?? and omg-- what am i supposed to tell joan?"

"one: don't tell my mom. i don't want her jumping to conclusions or anything, and i'm not sure how serious i want this relationship to get. also two: i'll still be going to rehearsals, i'm just not gonna be at my house that's all," i reply.

"are you sure about this? i mean you met the guy yesterday."

"i know it's weird... but i trust him."

"ok... but if he turns out to be a crazy serial killer please call me, love you"

"love you too vic, bye" i laugh and end the call.

i get back in bed with dalton, his arms slipping around my waist, bringing me closer to his chest.

"who was that?" dalton says, half awake.

"victoria. she thinks you're a serial killer"

he chuckles, nudging his face into my hair. "goodnight ari"

"goodnight dalton" i whisper.

**the next day

a crack of sunlight from the blinds wakens me. realizing dalton's absence from the bed, i get up to search for him. i enter the kitchen and notice a brightly colored post-it note on the fridge.

"emergency call into the office. sorry i left without saying anything, you looked too cute sleeping. didn't wanna disturb you. help yourself to anything in the house. i'll be back @ 4. -- D"

i smile, putting the note in my pocket, then walk back to dalton's room. i rummage through his closet and throw on one of his hoodies. he did say anything in the house, i'm sure he won't care.

since i don't have rehearsals today i try to write some songs to pass the time, but i can't seem to focus. dalton's the only thing on my mind right now. i pick up my phone, my finger hovering over dalton's contact. finally gathering the courage, i press the call button.

"dalton! i mean- hi" fuck.

"hey, something wrong?" he asks.

"huh? oh! no, not at all i'm just... calling to see how you're doing since y'know you're always asking me " i laugh nervously, trying to play off how flustered i am.

"i'm ok, don't worry about me. i gotta finish up a few things but i'll be home soon. did you see my note?"

"yes! yes, i did" i reach into my pocket and pull the note out. "do you usually watch girls sleep or am i special?" i tease.

"shit, you found out my secret" he says jokingly.

"aww i wanted to be special"

"ask again later, maybe my answer will change" he chuckles. "but for now, i think i need to get off my phone before i get in trouble"

"what already? but i just called" i whine.

"i know, i'm sorry. talk later ok?"

"ok, byee"


the call ends and i frown. i wanted to talk to him more, but i guess it can't be helped. as i put my phone to the side, i hear the doorbell ring.

who is that?

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