chapter 17

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ariana's POV

i invite victoria over for a girls night. i really need her around to take my mind off things. and by things i mean dalton.

"you know... i've been thinking of starting another album" i say swirling around my wine glass.

"ooh really? that's amazing ari, have you written songs yet?" she asks.

"nothing concrete but i'm really liking the vibe"

"we should get in the studio soon-"

my blaring ringtone interrupts our conversation. after reading the caller name i scowl and decline the call, flipping my phone over.

"who is it?"


"ari you need to talk to him eventually, you can't just ignore him forever" vic frowns.

it's been 2 weeks since i last saw or spoke to dalton. running out and ghosting him probably wasn't the best idea now that i think about it.

"we're not together anymore i don't need to bother him" i cross my arms.

"i really thought you guys were cute, you seem head over heels for each other"

"it was never serious or anything like that" i say shaking my head. "we just rushed into things too fast"

"i still think you should call him. he obviously still likes you" she says referencing the phone.

"vic, i know you wanna see me happy and all but i just don't think we would work together at this point." i sigh. "i'm not ready for a relationship or i don't know i don't deserve one- regardless dalton and i are over." 

"ari..." vic gives me a concerned look and places her hand on my shoulder.

"i'm fine with it, really. can we talk about something else?"

dalton's POV

i get an unexpected call at 1 am.

"uh ariana hey" i quickly sit up on my bed and run my hands through my hair. "it's late is everything alright?"

as i wait for her to reply so many thoughts run through my mind. what i wanted to say to her, what i wanted to ask. everything.

"i- i shouldn't have called i'm sorry" ariana hangs up before i get another word in. after sending her a quick text i lie back and stare at the ceiling. i hope she's okay. i miss her.

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