chapter 2

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miley's house 10:45 pm

before vic gets a chance to knock, the door swings wide opens to reveal miley with the biggest smile on her face.

"i knew it!!" she turns her head back into the house. "and you fuckers said they wouldn't show up!!"

miley gives me and vic a hug. "hey im glad y'all made it. despite what you just heard, i wasn't actually sure if you would come"

"of course we would come, anything to support you" vic says with a grin, handing her the champagne we brought. i nod in agreement.

"let me show you around the house"

we walk around for what feels like hours. this place is huge.

"soo?" miley turns around. "what do you guys think?"

"it's really nice i love it" i say.

"it seems perfect for you, completely matches your energy" vic chimes in.

"thanks! well i guess ill leave you guys to mingle with the other guests" she walks away holding one hand the air. "who knows maybe you'll get laid!!"

i chuckle a bit at that last part. i'm not getting laid anytime soon and i don't really want to either.

"stay here i'm gonna get us some drinks then we are gonna par-tayy" vic says doing a little dance.

i frown. "vic don't leave me"

she places her hand on my shoulder. "miss grande you are 26 years old, you can handle being by yourself for 5 minutes"

and with that i was alone. well not really. i was still at a party. i take a seat on a nearby couch, feeling the eyes of everyone on me. i'm not sure if it's cause i'm ariana grande, or because my boobs are basically about to fall out of this dress, but i don't like it.  trying to push away my thoughts, i mindlessly scroll through twitter on my phone. after a bit of waiting, i check the time.

huh? that's weird. it's been 20 minutes and victoria still isn't back.

getting increasingly worried by the second, i start frantically searching for her, texting at the same time.

AG: vic???
AG: where r u??
AG: u said 5 mins
AG: this isn't fucking funny call me.

dalton's pov

i was in the middle of a conversation with dakota when miley comes up behind us, holding us in a chokehold like hug.

"heyy dumber and dumber two" she teases. "how's it hanging?"

"first of all, ow and second of all, where have you been? i haven't seen you almost the entire party" i say.

"looks like hannah montana forgot how to host" dakota jokes.

miley shoves her middle finger in his face. "anyways, i was talking with guests and showing people around like a good host should unlike you two bozos who are supposed to be helping me"

"i helped you find and buy this house isn't that enough?" i whine.

"hmm i guess that is true dalton" she says then points at my brother. "dakota you haven't done shit though go do something helpful"

"what? i've been helpful" he argued.

"at drinking all the beer maybe," she murmured. "ok now bye i heard someone brought weed, like the realllly good shit and i'm not passing that up" then she ran off.

"gone in two seconds, wow that must be a new record" i laugh.

"did she say weed? man i hope she doesn't get too crazy with it. remember last time?"

"oh yeah! we were by the pool and-"

i feel something ram straight into my back, catching me off guard. i turn around to see a girl fallen to the ground and i hold out my hand to help her up.

"are you ok?" i ask.

she accepts my help, grabbing my hand.

so soft.

no dalton. stop it with the creepy thoughts.

"yeah i'm fine i guess thank you" she replies, briskly walking away.

i turn back to dakota, still confused about the whole situation considering how fast everything just went down.

"...what just happened?"

"well my brother, to put it simple i think ariana grande just ran into you"

"oh." i look down at my hand then it sets in. "WAIT WHAT?"

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