chapter 11

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dalton's pov

the second we park ariana jumps out the car.

"can you help me with my bags?" she says frantically rushing to comb her hair and get what sand she can out of it.

her mom and brother are probably gonna be there right? has she even told them about me?

"dalton!" ariana yells.


"hurry up!"

she runs up and pushes the doorbell repeatedly.

"calm down they wouldn't leave you, can't have a tour without the singer there" i chuckle. her body relaxes as i begin to rub her shoulders.

"i'm sorry" she sighs.

"for what?"

"for yelling at you just now, and for this morning when i was crying..."

"oh i don't care about that, i know how hard you work and stressed you are"

ariana turns to face me and wraps her arms around my neck. "but i shouldn't be taking it out on you that isn't fair"

"oh hello my daughter" a petite woman dressed in all black stands at the door with her hands on her hips.

"hi mama" ari gives her a peck on the cheek. "sorry i'm late"

"it's fine, sweetie. who's this?"

"this is dalton my... friend,"

friend? we haven't known each other long i guess, but it still hurts.

"nice to meet you uh-"

"call me joan" she says with a grin. "come in,"

i take a step back. "i don't wanna intrude"

"if anything these people are intruding, it's my house" ariana giggles, grabbing ahold of my hand. "please? before i leave, it'll be quick"


she smiles at my response and leads me into the living room. "these people are like my family. except frankie who's actually family" everyone laughs.

ariana introduces me again with the same "just a friend" description which ticks me off more, but i brush it off.

"well, since we're late we should probably go..." she looks up at me. "i'll walk you to the car,"


"i guess this is goodbye" ariana frowns.

"please text me when you land so i know you're safe"

"of course" she gives me one final embrace. "bye dalton"

"ari wait-" i blurt out and pull her arm.

"what?" she chuckles, turning back around.

i lift her chin and stare deep into her eyes.

"just one more kiss."

our lips attach just as quickly as they pull apart. she blushes and walks back to the house, giving me a final wave before disappearing behind the door. man, im gonna miss her.

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