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I groaned and let out a hitched cough as I slowly dragged myself out of the small hole in the wall of ice that I'd somehow created after being tossed into it.

"That... hurt like a bitch," I coughed again as I looked around. There was no ice to be seen anymore, there was still lingering steam which fogged the place slightly but even with that, I knew that I couldn't see Blizzard anymore.

Looking up, I was surprised to see a huge freaking hole in the ceiling and frowned.

"Did we do that?" I muttered as I gripped my side as a sharp pain cut through me when I tried to move, "great. Broken ribs. My day just keeps getting better and better."

"M-Mik—uh—Saisei!" Tamaki suddenly popped into my line of sight, looking down at me from the top of the hole.

Wow. My day really did just get better.

I smiled up at him.

"Uh, hi there. Mind giving me a really gentle hand out of here?" I asked, wincing as I took a step forward.

Tamaki seemed to be scanning my body before he sighed.

"Y-you h-hurt yourself a-again," he pointed out before stretching one arm out, tentacles formed, and they came down, wrapping around me like I was a fragile piece of glass and lifted me up to the spot next to him.

Honestly, we're in the hero business, what's he expecting from me?

"Ah, it's nothing, just a couple broken ribs and a few bruises here and there," I tried to laugh it off, but he was not having it and just shot me a glare, "oh wow, Suneater, so scary."

He frowned before sighing and looking me over again.

"Anyway, where's Blizzard?" I asked, looking around the bar that was now covered in pros.

"Over here," came a weak voice, I looked to the left to see said villain being hand cuffed, "You, Saisei, have some terrifying fire power there."

"I'd say the same about your ice," I tossed back as Tamaki helped me to my feet.

"Yeah well, I won't be using my ice again. But you will be using your fire, so I'm going to warn you here and now—" Blizzard paused as he was escorted across the room and stopped in front of me, Fatgum being the person escorting him, "—being strong and having power like you do... It's a double-edged sword. One day it'll come back to bite you in your ass, and you may hurt those who are more precious to you than you want. Especially as you grow stronger over time. So... be careful."

I hummed and watched as he walked away with Fatgum.

"And you be careful too," Blizzard shouted at Fatgum after letting out a loud pained hiss, "that rib is broken, bastard."

"Hah. I'm not the only one with broken ribs," I chuckled lightly to myself.

"That's nothing to laugh about, Saisei," Pyro-Shock walked over to us, "go get yourself into the ambulance on standby or head straight to Recovery Girl back at UA. Don't come back to the agency for a couple days, you hear me?"

"Yes, sir," I nodded before looking to Tamaki, "feel like helping me hobble back to UA?"

"N-no. Go t-to the h-hospital," Tamaki quickly shot me down and forcibly led me to an ambulance where we were both escorted to the hospital.

"Hey, Tamaki," I called out to my indigo haired nervous boyfriend as we drove in silence, he looked up from his hands to me and gave me a curious look, "what do you think Blizzard meant with his warning?"

"I... D-don't really k-know. M-maybe he w-was just trying t-to confuse you?" Tamaki tried to suggest a reason why Blizzard would give me such a bizarre warning.

I crossed my arms and let out a low hum, thinking about it before instantly regretting my actions as I hit a rib and quickly returned to sitting more relaxed.

I'm going to hurt those I care about if I'm not careful? I mean—wasn't that obvious? All quirks can hurt people unchecked. But if I get stronger, wouldn't that mean that my control would be better?

Hm—I wish my future self from that stupid quirk accident the other year had told me something about this.

Should I start to slow my training down a bit and put a halt to my growth rate maybe?

Why is this bugging me so much? He's just a Villain. Leave it alone, Mikhail.

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