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I grunted as I tried to endure the pain that was burning through my body faster than Ingenium could run the 50-meter sprint.

It hurts.

It hurts.

It hurts.

It hurts.

Pyro-Shock where are you?

Are you not coming?

An intense wave of pain rushed through me, and I couldn't help but to voice my pain before I fell limp. AJ released his hold on me, and I just laid on the floor.

The numbing injection and this combined wasn't really giving me much opportunity with controlling my own body.

Can't move...

Can't talk...

Can't... bre...athe...

Muffled shouts echoed around me as I managed to slide my hands free from AJ and over my ears, the static like noise I heard in place of voices irritated me and the pain was shooting through my head.

'So your name is Mikhail, huh? Well, well, well, you're now mine.'

Be quiet...

'Mikhail... you're my puppet now...'

Shut up...

'Stand up and kill the rats crawling around on the deck of my ship.'

Please stop it...

'I said get up!'

The pain in my body subsided and I was forced to my feet.

What the hell?

Stop moving!

It's like my body is on autopilot!

Why can't I control my body?!

My gaze landed on Amajiki, Togata and Nejire.

Hold on. Hold on. Hold on! Just what am you—I—uh—what's my body going to do?!

My hands were enveloped in a flurry of golden flames.




Stop it!

My body shot flames at my three classmates. Togata managed to slip through his restraints and grabbed Nejire and Amajiki, pulling them out of the way.

3rd Person PoV

"L-Lionel," Tamaki weakly looked to Mikhail, "M-Mirio w-we have t-to save h-him."

"We will," Mirio nodded as he placed Tamaki against one of the crates, "but right now, we need to get you out of harm's way. I don't want you to get even more hurt than you already are."

"I-I can f-fight," Tamaki tried to get up but hissed in pain and slumped back down.

"Yeah... No," Nejire shook her head, "leave him to us, just rest."

Tamaki nodded sullenly and then watched as the other two second years turned and got ready to defend themselves from Mikhail's attacks.

"Hey, look at his eyes and hair, they haven't changed like they usually would," Nejire pointed out, Mirio observed his friends appearance to see Mikhail's eyes a dullen version of their usual bright scarlet and gold, they weren't glowing like they usually do when the hero in training would use his quirk and his hair wasn't white. If anything, somehow it was completely black like how it used to be before his quirk awakened, something they'd only seen in photos around his apartment, apparently it'd never been just black since his awakening, so this was a weird thing to see.

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