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I glared at Migel and AJ, who were, somehow, still on the ship, impressively withstanding my quirks heat.

"So this is what that block did," Migel hummed, "it compressed your flames. Look at those eyes... How lovely."

"They're weird," AJ commented, I frowned and sighed.

The phoenix mark has appeared?

"Lionel!" a voice shouted from high above, I looked up to see my mentor, Pyro-Shock staring down at me, zeroing in on my eyes in wonder, "what happened to your eyes?! No never mind that, get off the ship

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"Lionel!" a voice shouted from high above, I looked up to see my mentor, Pyro-Shock staring down at me, zeroing in on my eyes in wonder, "what happened to your eyes?! No never mind that, get off the ship. It's going down."

"Right, thanks for the heads up," I nodded before turning and beginning to walk to the edge of the ship.

"Oh no you don't," I was caught in a choke hold from behind and Migel appeared in front of me.

"Open," Migel demanded.

I stuck my tongue out at him mockingly and then used AJ as support as I threw my feet up and kicked him as hard as I could in the gut before swinging my legs around and sweeping them against his legs. AJ crumbled to the floor like a ragdoll as I was dropped to the ground safely.

I looked at the supposedly unconscious man and smiled.

"Next time it won't be just your damn legs," I glared at him before grabbing his collar and then grabbing Migel's and dragging them both to the edge of the ship, tossing them in the water and then diving in after them.

I regret jumping.

My shoulders burned, everywhere the charred skin from my quirk touched burned. My body just in general burned and that drug that I'd managed to isolate during my fight for control wasn't making it any easier.

Pushing myself up to the surface of the ocean, I gasp, wincing as I tried to swim without getting any of the bad burns wet from the cold salty ocean around me. Just to fail, of course, life apparently ain't that easy.

"Hey, kid, you did good," Pyro-Shock hovered in front of me, "grab a hold of me."

I nodded and grabbed his ankles, the flames (sparking with slight fingers of lightning skipping out from the flames) pulled us up and over to a speed boat filled with pros and sidekicks.

"You're not looking too hot, are you, Lionel?" Fat Gum asked.

"Ha ha... very funny. Joke about heat when I've just burned down a ship," I rolled my eyes before stretching and lying down on the base, "I need to cool off so just leave me be."

"Pyro, go round up all the swimmers," Sir Nighteye looked too the pro who was still hovering, "bring them to shore and we'll help out from there."

"Jee—why'd I get stuck with all the work?" Pyro-Shock complained.

"Because you're the only one who can do anything on the water at the moment," Fat Gum said.

"What about Ryukyu?" Pyro-Shock exclaimed.

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