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Warning: there are hints of homophobia during this chapter


We landed in Grenoble Isère Airport hours later and got a lift to about ten minutes away from the Alps where we were greeted by a youngish looking man.

"Hi, I'm Mitch Hall, you must be the people my brother has caused a disturbance to," the man greeted us before staring, "hmm, looks like two of you will have to sit in the back of the truck."

"Me and older me will," I said, everyone gave me a surprised look, even my older self, "why are you surprised?! Do you remember even a single day when we've been cold?!"

"Oh right," he laughed awkwardly, "I forgot about our quirk."

"Dumbass," I rolled my eyes.

"Alright then, that'll make this a lot easier, hop in then," Mitch turned to a black truck and me and my older self sat in the open back while the other four slipped into the warmth of the inside.

Not long after, we began the drive up the mountain.

It was really beautiful and thanks to my quirk, I wasn't cold even in the slightest despite the continuous amount of snow.

"It's so useful having a quirk like ours," my older self sighed as he just relaxed, not a care in the world floating through his head.

Is this really me?

Do I really get to become such an aloof idiot in the future?

Eventually we reached a log cabin and walked inside.

I noticed that Mirio, Nejire, and Amajiki were all clinging onto my older self as if their lives depended on it. Chuckling, I continued to walk through the cabin, noticing that Tamaki was awkwardly lingering behind me. I wrapped my arm around his shoulder and pulled him into my side.

"I don't mind sharing my quirk, you know," I told him as he froze under my hold but relaxed after.

"T-thank you," he nodded.

"Alright, since it's 7pm now, we'll have some dinner and go to bed. Tomorrow I'll send the boys home," Mitch told us, "I apologise but the only beds we've got free are doubles so you'll have to pair up and share a bed. It's room 11, 16 and 28."

"Thats fine, sorry for the inconvenience," my older self nodded before the adults went off to two of the three rooms, bags in their hands as they went.

I looked to Tamaki, just now realising when we'd have to do and looking away as a nervousness built up inside me.

"U-um let's go then," I awkwardly let him go and began walking to the last room, seeing 11 and 16 were taken by the 32-year-olds.

Once inside our room, I looked around and sighed.

"I'm going to take a quick shower," I told Tamaki, he nodded and watched as I grabbed a towel and a spare change of clothes that were weirdly already waiting. Shrugging off that thought, I go into the bathroom and lock myself in. Sliding to the floor, I drop the towel and clothes and knit my fingers into my hair.

"Why's my heart pounding?" I breathed out awkwardly as heat rushed to my face, "it's only a bed and it's only one night. It's not like we'll be... You know... Ah—I can't even—"

I shook my head frantically, trying to clear my mind of any thoughts that ran—no—sprinted through my head like nothing else mattered.

After that, I managed to get up and fight with the shower, no sure how the hell to turn it on. I got it on eventually, but still, it was goddamn difficult.

Once showered and in some clean clothes, I walked out to see the room empty, so I put my damp towel in the washing basket and headed down to the dining room where everyone was sat.

"Seems we had the same idea," my older self said as I sat down and heated my hands to dry my hair quicker, I gave him a confused look as a plate of food was placed down in front of me, "shower."

"Well our quirk does make it unbearably hot sometimes," I replied with the small roll of my eyes, my hair now dry and me eating my food, "oh wow! This is good!"

"I'm glad you think so, dear," a woman sat at the bottom of the table, a smile on her face.

"That's my wife," Mitch told us, "Eleanna Hall."

"It's nice to meet you all," Eleanna smiled at us, we all gave her a small greeting back before focusing on eating. We spoke on and off about things and then when we were finished, we went back to our rooms to go to sleep.

"I'll sleep on the floor," I told Tamaki as I grabbed two of the four pillows on the bed and began to make myself a small space to sleep. I was stopped when I felt something tug on the back of my shirt. Looking over my shoulder, I see Tamaki looking away with a slight red tinge on his cheeks.

"I-I don't mind," he said, "y-you should s-sleep in the b-bed too."

"Are you sure?" I asked, he nodded almost robotically so I smiled before grabbing my pillows again and putting them back where they began. We both slipped into the bed, and I turned my back to Tamaki.

This is so awkward.

"U-um... You.. Y-yesterday you said you w-were gay," Tamaki's small whisper came from behind and I turned to face him.

"Yeah. Sorry if that's a problem with you," I said awkwardly, he shook his head.

"I-it's not," he said frantically before Mumbling something as he stared at his hands.

"I'm glad," I smiled, and he stared at me surprised as I accidentally let some sadness break through, "I-in the past I've... Not really had a good experience with being gay and others knowing about it."

"Hey, look at that, it's the homo trash," the voice of Charlton, the 'number one' kid in the school hit my ears, "I saw you staring a Lowell's older brother in the changing room today. What? Got a crush? So disgusting. Get out of my way before you give me the gay too—bleh."

I stared at him before walking close to him, he backed up and knocked against the locker behind him.

"It's not a disease and it's not contagious," I glared, "so fuck off, you scrawny little bitch."

"O-oh," Tamaki looked down before he grabbed my hands and smiled at me, though it was small and still wobbly with nerves, "I-I don't c-care whether your g-gay or n-not because you're m-my friend and I-I like you a-a lot."

I stared at him.

Whoa—he's like the sun right now.


"Whoever you get to marry in the future is one lucky woman," I smiled as I looked down at his hands holding mine. He was holding them ever so gently.

"Lucky man," he said, I looked at him confused, "I-I marry a-a man."

I gave him a surprised look before smiling.

"I see," I nodded before closing my eyes and letting out a small yawn, "then...he's very...lucky."

I let out another yawn and felt myself drifting off.

I heard Tamaki say something but didn't exactly get the words. I don't know why but I'm just really happy to have him by my side, even if I don't get to keep him there in the future. Though I can't help but hope that I do.

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