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I stood alerted, ready to react to any sudden attacks from the three villains.

A burst of blue flames shot out towards me. I quickly responded by throwing up my arm and countering the flame by throwing my own towards the blue ones. The two colours mixed together before the blue completely overpowered the gold, surprising me.


I braced as the remaining blue flame rushed over my, expecting to feel a burning but it didn't hurt even in the slightest. A pins and needle like feeling rushed over me.

"Well that's never happened before," I glared forward to my attacker.

"You two go ahead," the black-haired male looked to the other two intruders—no. Villains—who were watching from the side, "I'll deal with Saisei. You start doing what we came for."

"We can't leave you. Yeah, sure. Dabi is fine alone," the one in black stated.

I took note of the name. Dabi. It wasn't a name I was familiar with so either the guy wasn't a well-known villain, or he was a newbie rising up now.

I then recalled moments earlier when the same guy had called the girl Toga. That was a name that I did recognise. It was from a strange investigation surrounding a girl called Himiko Toga and some kind of blood sucking situation in a regular high school.

"I won't let any of you pass me," I announced, increasing the heat around my wounds, and forcing the last of them to seal shut under the heat, brushing my hair back out of my face and tying it as I looked between the three villains, "I am here to protect the first years. If I let you pass me now, I can't possibly think of facing them again. Or Eraser Head who believed in me and gave me this opportunity."

I can't disappoint Aizawa. He really put his neck out for me when I first returned to UA after that situation with Aysen.

I moved so that I was at a space between all three of them, a spot where if any of them moved then I'd be able to easily react.

"Aw that's sweet. Disgusting."

"Shut up, Twice," Dabi shot, "Take Toga and leave. I'll take out this guy and join you. Shouldn't take too long. It looked like my flames overpowered his."

Twice is also a familiar name. I can't remember why I know that name though.

"But I wanna make him bleed more!" Toga whined, I shot her a disturbed look before putting my hands up, a flare of a deeper gold covered.

You want to make me bleed, come at me, brat.

"Just get out of here," Dabi glared, "we have more pressing matters than forcing an almost wiped-out hero-to-be to give up."

"Okie, let's go. No way! I want to fight too!" Twice exclaimed.

What is wrong with that guy?

A personality disorder?

Dabi threw a shot of blue flames towards the other two villains.

"Do as I say, or you won't get out of here without a few burns," he glared at them.

Toga stumbled back slightly while Twice let out a panicked sound.

"So not pretty, Dabi!" Toga glared.

"Right. Let's get out of here!" Twice exclaimed.

That's the first time his two voices agreed on something.

Damn it—I have to stop them.

"I'm coming too," she exclaimed before the pair began to rush off.

"No you don't!" I rushed after them, going to throw a line of fire towards them before quickly shifting back as a wall of blue shot over me. Fuck—!

His flames earlier didn't hurt, just gave me pins and needles so it shouldn't be too differ—ouch! Fuck!

I pushed away from the wall of flames before I was burned anymore than I just had been as I tried to step through it.

How is this possible? I can literally walk through fire without feeling it. What's so different about this guy's fire? Only my flames should burn me. Well, they shouldn't, but they do. Or used to. Probably still do to a certain extent?

Focus, Mikhail! Why're you letting yourself mentally ramble?!


Turning, I looked to Dabi who had blue flames dancing across his palms.

I'm a phoenix. Master of fire... I guess? I should've been able to be unaffected by those flames.


So frustrating!

"Seems like even a golden phoenix can't handle my flame," Dabi let out a low laugh, "ironic."

Wait a minute.

His scars. The patchy skin.

They're familiar. They're all burns.

A phantom burning pain crossed the top of my back, my shoulders, and arms as I remembered how my quirk used to burn me.

We're the same but the difference is... I had help, he clearly didn't and... My fire is much hotter than his.

But I have to be careful.

I am in a forest.

And he is a person.

Hero ethics will prevent me from using the most of my power. Provisional license or not, there's only an extent to which I can harm this guy or any villain really. That's just one of the biggest differences between we the heroes and they the villains. Villains have no moral compass to tie themselves down to those rules. They will go over and beyond to harm or even go as far as to kill anyone against them.

Turning to him completely, I put my hands up, my flames moving from my whole body and concentrating to just my fists.

"Forgive me, but I'm about to make your burns look a lot worse than they are now," I apologised in advance as I increased the heat of my flame, not too much since I didn't want to kill the guy and clenched my fists.

Heroes don't kill.

I am a hero.

"We'll see," Dabi got ready to fight, "after all, I came here to do a job and I'm not going to let you stop me."

"Consider yourself stopped," I shot back before launching forward, throwing my fist forward, Dabi threw his arms up to the side of his head, blocking my punch.

"Consider yourself retired, hero," Dabi glared before both of his arms flared up brightly, burning my fist.

Why does his fire hurt so much?

It shouldn't be possible!


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