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I flinched as I felt Amajiki's grip on my arm become a lot tighter.

"Hail... look," he pointed off to the side. I turned just in time to see Togata and Nejire pushed onto a raised-up level of boxes and crates.

"Ladies and gentlemen, take a look at what we have here," the man I recognise to be Migel Sato, the head of the Sato family, spoke. His voice echoed around the docks.

"Some rats!" someone off to our right shouted back now that everyone's attention was on Migel and our two friends.

"Yes, my friend, you're right," Migel nodded, "these two brats along with more have infiltrated our work! Look around! Look at your friends, your family, your fellow Yakuza! Be careful what you do for we don't know who the rats are. Continue with your work but take mind that once we find the rats, we will kill them. But for now, I'm sure these two will be motivation enough for you to be wary because once I find you, I'm going to kill all of you."

"I t-think w-we should r-retreat," Amajiki whispered.

"And leave them alone? I'd never do that," I looked to my friend, "but you. You get out of here and send for help. I'll make sure they don't kill Mito and Periwinkle. You get help."

He stared at me as if I'd grown two new heads.

"I-I'm not g-going to leave y-you alone," he whispered frantically.

"Then I guess we're both staying," I looked to him cautiously, "but I don't want you to. I want you to leave."

"I won't," he said stubbornly, the clearest I'd heard him speak at that moment in his defiance.

"Fine, ok," I nodded.

"Oi—! You two! What're you doing?!" a voice shouted, we turned to see AJ, "we're getting on the ship now. Move your asses."

"Yes, sir," I nodded and took Amajiki's hand again, "don't worry, it'll work out fine."

I gave him a small squeeze before pulling him along with me. AJ eyed us.

"Are you two dating? Why do you keep holding his hand? It's like you're trying to comfort him," he asked.

"Yes, we're dating," I lied, "is it not normal to want to show affection to those that you love?"

I felt Amajiki freeze at my words and smiled slightly.

"I suppose not. Just don't allow your emotions to cloud your judgement," AJ hummed as we stepped onto the ship, "we don't need dead-weights on the ship. This task is hard enough as it is."

He walked away and I pulled Amajiki to the furthest corner of the ship, quickly pulling my phone out, I swiftly sent mine, Amajiki's, Nejire's and Togata's mentors our location and then dropped my phone to the floor.

"I'm going to need to buy a new one," I sighed before kicking my phone through a crack in the floors, dropping down into the bottom of the boat. I then pulled out my earpiece and smashed it, Amajiki copied my moves before looking at me awkwardly.

"U-uhm..." he looked away with a small shade of red on his cheeks, "a-about what you j-just said."

"Oh. Right, the boyfriend thing," I brushed my hand through my hair and sighed, "sorry about that but if I didn't say that he'd get suspicious and wonder why I'm comforting you. Come on, we need to blend in and try find Mito and Periwinkle."

He seemed to bite back his reply and just nodded before following me through the ship.

"You there!" someone called, I paused and looked to the side to see Migel, "come with me."

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