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"W-what are you reading?" Amajiki leaned over the side of my sofa to peek at the pages of the rather worn-out book that I had clearly read multiple times. It was my favourite one, I think I've read it at least twenty times.

Currently, Amajiki, Nejire, and Togata were all at my apartment. We were celebrating my 17th birthday. It had been nice and peaceful. Though they were really loud when they showed up, I'd barely woken up five minutes before they'd arrived. If I wasn't awake then, then I was once the double attack known as Mirio Togata and Nejire Hado burst in.

"Oh. I'm reading something called 'The Rise of the Golden Phoenix'," I replied as I sat up from my lying down position and patted the now empty space beside me. Amajiki sat down beside me and accepted the book I passed to him, reading the blurb.

He was about to say something when Togata's voice caught our attention.

"Hey! Mikhail! You might want to see this!" he shouted, the two of us shared a look before getting up and walking over to where Togata and Nejire sat staring at the TV.

They were watching the news.

"And the latest news: Pro hero, ranked number 11, Fenikksu, has been arrested for murder."


What's this?

"What?" I stared at the screen like I'd just hallucinated the information I'd overheard, "my Dad killed someone?"

"That doesn't seem right, though," Nejire said as she looked over to me, "Mr Roan is so gentle."

I hummed in thought. To me, the word 'gentle' didn't really describe my Dad, something else, sure, but not 'murderer' either.

"Something must've gone wrong," I frowned, "my Dad can't even kill a spider. How could he kill a person?"

The sound of someone at the apartment door caught all of our attention and I wasted no time in answering to see Detective Tsukauchi in the doorway.

"Mikhail Lionel?" Tsukauchi asked, I nodded and let the man enter the apartment, "I just need to ask some questions and I'll leave right after."

His gaze caught the other three students in my apartment and then the TV.

"Ah. You already know. Then this'll be a lot easier," the Detective nodded.

"Before you start, tell me truthfully, do you truly believe you have the right guy?" I asked, Tsukauchi gave me a surprised look before nodding.

"We're positive," he said before sighing, "can you tell me if your Father has ever displayed any violent behaviour?"

I mean—he's a hero...

"No. He's not violent at all. He's a pacifist despite the fact he fights villains for a living," I replied, "and before you ask, no. I don't believe he's killed whoever the victim was. He's not like that. He lives for his work, and he'd never do anything to compromise it."

Something that I know from experience living here in my childhood, unfortunately.

Tsukauchi sighed and rubbed his temple.

"How frustrating," he pulled out a folder, pulled out a photo, showing it to me, "do you know the person in this photo?"

"Should I?" I asked as I stared at the unfamiliar ivy green haired man that stared out of the image back at me. My gaze caught the familiar panel sign that's given to people having their mugshots taken after being arrested.

"You sure my Dad killed him? Looks like he was a criminal," I pointed out the proof on the image, "he probably had a lot of enemies. My Dad won't have been one of them."

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