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Amajiki's PoV (the younger one)

"Yeah... hi, Dad... no, we're fine," I listened to my older self talking on the phone as I finished packing his bags for him, "hey, hey... slow down! Listen to me, Dad... thank you... yes, I need you to hold onto the kids for a little longer... what? No! We're not arguing... we've got a situation over here and I can't take them with me... no, there's nothing to worry about... yeah I know... thanks, Dad... yeah, love you too... tell them we love them... thanks. Bye."

He hung up and turned to me.

"Thanks for finishing my packing," he smiled, "are you ready?"

"D-didn't h-have any l-luggage," I replied, he let out an awkward laugh and nodded.

"Then let's go. Nejire has already booked our tickets for in two hours so Mikhail's going to pick us up from the bus station," he told me as he grabbed his bag, and we walked out the hotel room we'd been staying in.

It was a ten-minute walk but when we got there, we found the Mikhail's both waiting in a black car. I slid in the back, sitting next to younger Mikhail who was frowning at his hands and silent.

"He's been like that for a while now," Lionel said as he noticed my staring, "I think he's still really shaken up from not being able to catch you."

My older self slid into the passenger seat and glanced back. He seemed to understand what was happening and just faced forward again.

"Shall we go?" he asked.

"Yep," Lionel started the car up and began driving. I glanced over to Mikhail again and took his hand, tearing his gaze from them and to me. I shot him a nervous smile and he just looked at me sadly before squeezing my hand slightly and looking out the window.

For the rest of the journey, the only sound was the radio or the occasional conversation between our older selves, talking about work or something else.

"You... are using UA's private jet?" older me looked to Mirio and Nejire who were just smiling goofily.

"It's a favour," she chuckled as we boarded the private jet.

"Hey, baby Tamaki, come talk with us, you nervous cinnamon roll," Nejire beckoned me over just as I was about to sit down with Mikhail. I glanced down to my friend before nodding and walking over back to them.

I noticed that Lionel was going over to where my Mikhail was sat.

'my Mikhail' uh? I felt my ears burn slightly at the thought.

"Hey, no need to be jealous," Mirio said, I looked to him in confusion only to realise I was frowning, "it's himself he's talking to."

I flushed in embarrassment and ducked my head from view.

Mikhail's PoV (the younger one)

I sat down on one of the seats away from the others and zoned out until a hand landed on my shoulder. I looked up to see my older self.

"I heard about what happened to Tamaki," he said, "I bet now... you're feeling a hell of a lot of anxiety, right? Worried you're going to lose him again?"

"It's just... on the ship he was beaten half to hell, and I couldn't even stop it... then that... if Amajiki wasn't there then he would've..." I looked down not wanting to utter anything more.

"I know. It's hard," he said, "but it seems to be a problem we've got. After that night... every time something happens to one of our friends, we get a bit... you know."




Is this how Tamaki feels all the time?

If so this is a horrible feeling and I just want to free him from this pain.

"It's actually how we lose our arm," he said, I looked at him surprised.

"Thought you weren't going to tell me about that," I said.

"I wasn't going to but then that happened and this—" he gestured to me, "we lose our arm in our third year doing a job. It's crazy and it happens when we're protecting someone we care about. We transform completely and our wing gets cut off. It's inevitable, it'll happen. You can't change that. But that's what happened—or will happen."

I nodded.

"You know... I think we have a deep-rooted fear of losing people," he said, "Tamaki just retriggered it on our 17th birthday."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You know what I mean. America. January 12th. Sixteen years ago, or only two for you," he reminded me of the day I hated the most, "after that day... I think we had this fear of losing someone else and we've just never wanted it to happen. It made us terrified when one of our friends were hurting but we couldn't help, especially when we were there."

"Lowell! Hold on!" I shouted as I rushed over, trying to grab my best friend's hand, "don't you dare let go!"

"Even so," he looked to me, "we can't let that hold us back. I—you—we, need to learn how to care a little less because one day, being the way we are is going to get us killed. But don't worry, you've got another fourteen years to live through your reckless bullshit. But once you get to my age and you have your husband and your two beautiful children, right then, learn to let go a little bit."

"I'll try," I nodded, he smiled and ruffled my hair.


We sat in a silence after that before I looked to him.

"Why don't we ever show our friends our transformations?" I asked, "they didn't know we could technically fly yesterday, and it confused me."

"I don't know..." he hummed, "I guess I've never gone and completely transformed because I am kind of missing a wing and the second transformation... I don't know. Guess I just didn't ever want to use it."

He sighed and leaned back slightly before shrugging.

"Why not show them our brilliance when you return?" he suggested, "then they'll get to see it before we lose it."

He's referring to the third form...

"I might."

"Oh and by the way... Don't cut your hair," he suddenly said, grabbing my shoulders and giving me a serious look, "seriously, do not cut your hair. You will regret it as soon as you cross the threshold of your apartment."

"Wha—?" I gave him a confused look as he shook me.

"Promise me that you won't cut your hair!" he shouted.

"Fine! I promise just let me go!" I shouted back as I put my hands up and tried to push him away.

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