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I opened my eyes to see a white ceiling.


Where am I?

Sitting up, I noticed I was surrounded by numerous machines and an empty bed beside me. It didn't take long for me to register just where I was.

"Ah. The hospital," I hummed before noticing a pair of eyes staring at me from across the room.

It was a black-haired man in a bed sat opposite me. He looked almost like a mummy.

"Uh—hello, sir, do you mind telling me what time it is?" I asked.

"Find out for yourself, kid," wait that voice—

"Eraser Head?" I stared at him in surprise, "w-why do you look like a mummy?!"

"We were attacked in the USJ," he replied, "Recovery Girl went a little overboard with her treatment, but you're not in any better shape."

"Huh? What do you—" I looked down and my eyes widened. I couldn't see any of my body below my head. I was totally bandaged from neck to toe. What the heck?!

"Seems she really did," I sighed before frowning and looking back at him, "but you were attacked? Is everyone ok?"

"Everyone is fine," he sighed, "you needn't worry about anyone but yourself. You'll face a lot of people saying that you can't become a hero now that you've lost an arm."

I lost an—oh right. Yeah. I did.

"Yeah. Well, I don't care," I glared, "I don't care whether I have one or two arms. If I can't use my arms, then I'll use my feet, if I can't use them, then I'll use my head. I don't care what I have to do. I will become a hero. I won't just give up because there's suddenly a new mountain to climb!"

He let out a small hum before nodding.

"That way of thinking..." he looked down before looking to me, "do you mind joining the first years in their training camp? I know you want to focus on your studies, but that way of thinking would be good for them."

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You're not giving up," he said, "plus we could use a little security, if you don't mind joining, of course."

"Sounds like fun," I nodded, "I'll go, sir."

I'll get to watch the first year's experience what hell is like for the first time in their lives.

"Then in return I'll ensure you don't get sent to a different class," he said, "but you have to find a way to make this work for you. Prove to us that you can still become a hero."

"I will, sir, count on it," I nodded, he nodded and then climbed out of his bed.

"I'll see you back at school tomorrow then."

Guess he's been discharged?

He left the room, silently, leaving me in the large white themed area alone. Suddenly... I don't like it. It's too big and empty...

The sound of the door opening caught my attention, and I looked over to see who it was.

"Hello there! I'm Dr Dr, your doctor," the man introduced him.

That was way too many 'doctor's in one sentence.

"Nice to meet you," I nodded to him.

"I'd like to say the same, however, the circumstances of your coming here weren't ideal," Dr Dr replied, "first off, your right arm and shoulder were cleanly sliced off and it was beyond repair so we couldn't even attempt to reattach it. You lost a lot of blood, you actually woke up earlier than we expected you to, but I suppose that'll be all thanks to Recovery Girl."

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