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And just who the hell is that?

Another villain, clearly, but is he the boss of this operation?

I did think that this Shigaraki may be the head of the League, however, he feels slightly immature and based off the way the League has worked... if it's not Shigaraki then it must be the guy on the other side of the TV. Unless, he is simply a monetary aid.

They do say money is power.

"A master? I thought you were the boss around here," Bakugo taunted slightly. Glad to know we're on the same page in terms of thinking right now.

We need to try get more information out of them so we can hand it over later and be more effective to the police should the League slip away. Even if they don't and this 'master' does turn out to be the leader then it'll be pretty vital information.

"Seems he's simply the pawn," I added before another wave of pain shot through me. I bit the inside of my cheek in order to stop myself from externally showing my pain, but the flickering of my weak looking flame arm was enough to show that my body was not in vital condition.

Just how much longer are the pros going to make us wait?

My body can't hold up much longer. The moment my flames short out will be the moment these guys realise that the only threat will be Bakugo. It'll probably make them a whole lot more confident.

"Kurogiri, Compress," Shigaraki spoke up, "it's time to put him back to sleep."

"And the bird?" Compress asked.

Bird? Now I know he is not talking about me.

I glared at him.

"We'll take him with us. Master may find some use for him. Or at least his quirk," Shigaraki nodded.

"And just what the hell does that mean?" I asked as I pulled Bakugo behind me again. Clearly they're getting ready to move elsewhere. I cannot allow that to happen.

"If you want me to listen then get on your knees and beg!" Bakugo shouted as Compress began to approach us. I glanced back to him, and he just looked back mildly nervously.

"Don't worry. If there's anything Eraser Head is right about it's that I won't let them hurt you," I told him, he nodded.

"How sweet," Compress stated, "Save the loving protector for the third act."

"Just try me, I'll blow you away in act two," I glared, just about to throw the ash in my hand at him before the sound of two knocks came from the door behind us. A door I hadn't even noticed until this moment. We all froze for a moment and looked back at it in confusion.

"Hello? I got a pizza delivery here," a voice came from the other side.

"Wow, good to know you're all so relaxed to be ordering food," I rolled my eyes before suddenly, after a moment of silence, the wall behind the lizard guy came crashing in.

"Smash!" All Might's voice echoed through the room as he came in following his fist that'd absolutely destroyed that wall.

"Holy—" I grabbed Bakugo and dragged him out of the way of the flying debris and watched.

"Kurogiri! Gate!" Shigaraki shouted quickly, the misty gate guy moved into action just as Kamui came flying in, shouting his move out.

So the warp guy is Kurogiri.

Good to know.

I pulled Bakugo to the side as the branches came shooting through the building, quickly capturing all of the villains. Dabi went to burn the wood from around him, but a small old man dressed in white and yellow came zipping into the room quickly and kicked him upside the head shouting, "don't you do anything foolish! It's in your best interest to cooperate with us."

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