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The rest of our second year was uneventful excluding the random jobs that we did during our work studies. It was mostly dealing with thieves and random street villain fights. Nothing too crazy. But we were all slightly on edge, knowing that something was going to happen in the future. In April. And that something was going to result in the loss of one of my limbs and maybe even something more.

I called my Mum and asked her to keep an eye on Lowell, maybe if she watches him then Aysen won't get him and cause the whole situation? Doubt it, but it's worth a shot, right?

"Earth to Mikhail—we're on patrol here," Mirio waved his hand in front of my face.

"Sorry," I shook my head as I snapped out of my thoughts.

"We're third years now, Mikha, we've got to focus," he scolded, I nodded.

"You're right," I hummed, "not like anything is happening anyway."

"Hey now, we can't say that, anything can happen," he grinned before pausing and looking behind us.

"Something wrong?" I asked, also stopping just a bit ahead of him.

"I feel like we're being watched," he replied, "don't you?"

"Um..." I looked around, "not really."

"Guess I'm imagining it then," he shrugged before we continued walking again.

We continued on for a while before I stopped, feeling the feeling of being followed as well.

"You feel it too?" Mirio asked.

"I do," I nodded before scanning the streets behind us, "weird..."

Suddenly a bunch of children dressed in costumes similar to ours jumped out, I chuckled as they greeted us excitedly.

"Guess I found our little stalkers," I said as I crouched down in front of them, "hey—how can we help you little heroes?"

"We want your autographs Lemillion and Saisei!" one of the kids, clearly the leader of the group, exclaimed cheerfully as the group pulled out a board and pen each.

"Alright, alright," Mirio nodded, "line up in two lines and we'll sign those for you."

"Yay!" they all cheered before doing as said, half lined up in front of me while the other half lined up in front of Mirio. We signed their stuff and then waved goodbye to them before continuing our patrol.

It was a coincidence that I ended up on patrol with Mirio today, we just so happened to be working the same patrol area today, so we decided to work together.

"Hey, by the way," Mirio looked to me, "I heard that Eraser Head has asked you to join them at the USJ in two days. The first years."

"Yeah," I nodded.

"Are you going?" he asked.

"I haven't decided yet," I replied, "on one hand I go and watch a bunch of snot nosed first years make stupid mistakes while doing rescue practice, on the other hand, I get to watch a bunch of snot nosed first years make stupid mistakes."

He chuckled.

"So are you going to do it?" he asked.

"Probably not," I shook my head, "too much effort. Plus, you never know when Pyro-Shock is going to call me to do some work."

"Fair enough," he nodded as we reached the street that separates our journeys back to the agencies we work in.

"See you back at school," I waved at him, he waved back and repeated my words before we separated.

A five-minute walk later, I'm back in the agency.

"Welcome back, Saisei," Delta greeted me as I walked through the building.

"Good to be back," I nodded.

"Anything worth reporting?" he asked.

"Nah, just a bunch of kids stalking me and Lemillion halfway through our patrol," I replied.

"Lemillion was there?" he asked.

"Yeah, we were on the same route today, so we decided to just walk it together," I replied with a small hum, "I'm going to change. I've still got afternoon classes today."

"Alright," he nodded, and I took up the stairs to the dorm floor for any of Pyro-Shock's sidekicks who need a place to live. It doubles out for interns too.

Reaching my room, I changed into my uniform and then packed my stuff before beginning to jog down the stairs and sign myself out.

"See you later," I waved to Delta and the other sidekicks before heading out and beginning my walk back to UA.

On my way, I grabbed some dango sticks and ate them as I walked through the city.

"Here, a gladiolus for you, young man," an elderly woman stopped me in the middle of the street and gave me a white flower, "it symbolises heroism."

"I can't take this," I tried to give it back and she just smiled.

"Pass on the happiness, young man," she told me, "keep the flower and pass it on."

"W-well in that case..." I pulled out some money and tried to give it to her, but she pushed my hand away from me.

"Money doesn't breed happiness, my boy," she told me before turning around and walking away.

I smiled and looked down at the flower before continuing my walk back to UA.

It took ten minutes, but once I got there, I sat down at my desk and looked at the flower again before turning and placing it on Tamaki's desk.

Pulling out a book, I spent the rest of the lunch period reading.

"W-what?" Tamaki looked at the flower on his desk in confusion, so I turned to him and smiled.

"A gladiolus for a hero," I told him before turning forward and continuing my reading.


As I was walking out of school, I was suddenly jumped on from behind and looked over my shoulder to see Nejire.

"I got tickets to the amusement park that opened on the edge of the city," she grinned, "let's go!"

I glanced back to see Mirio stood there with a nervous looking Tamaki by his side.

"Uh—sure?" I nodded.

"Your place is the closest right?" Mirio asked, I nodded, "we left some clothes at your place, didn't we?"

"Nejire did, you two not so much," I replied, gesturing to Mirio and Tamaki, "why?"

"Let's go to your place and change, me and Tamaki will just borrow some of your clothes. Come on~" he started walking away.

"Hey! Does my opinion not matter?" I asked as we followed him.

"Lionel!" someone called from behind, I turned to see Eraser Head.

"Ah, sir, good afternoon," I greeted him as we all paused and waited for him to catch up with us, "can I help you?"

"Yes. I asked if you'd join me, Thirteen and All Might in the USJ in a few days with class 1-A," he replied, "your answer?"

"I'll have to say no," I replied, "I'm in my third year now, sir, things are more stressful. Our classes are harder, and our work studies basically take priority. Even if I miss one day to help out with the first years, I may not be able to recover that time."

"Alright," he nodded, "then I expect you to up your grades if you're talking like that."

"Right, yes, sir," I nodded before he left.

"Up your grades?" Nejire looked at me amused.

"I'm not doing as hot as I usually am in maths," I replied, Mirio laughed, "what's so funny?"

"You were the one to tutor me in first year and now it's going to be the other way around," he said.

"I don't need you to tutor me," I rolled my eyes at him, he just grinned and pushed me along.

"Let's go."

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