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Over the next week, I was constantly sat out in the snow burning constantly. After about the third day, I learned how to keep burning even when I fell asleep, it was because Ren (Pyro-Shock - just a reminder) kept smacking me upside the head whenever I was caught losing my consistent burning.

Whenever I began to burn up even in the slightest, Ren would throw a stupid snowball at me and cool me down. Kouta came up the mountain at noon every day and brought us food and also sparred with me.

His quirk actually made me feel cold for the first time since my quirk awakened and Blizzard, and let's just say, it was not a pleasant feeling. I prefer being warm all the time and never knowing the feeling of the cold.

Now, we're at the airport, Kouta and Ren are saying goodbye though it seems that Kouta was teasing Ren more than anything.

"Flight to Musutafu, Japan, leaving in five minutes."

"Uh—guys!" I shouted to my teacher and his former classmate, "We're going to miss our plane."

"But if I go home then I'll have to deal with Delta," Ren whined.

"Isn't he better than him?" I asked, pointing to Kouta.

Ren paused for a moment, clearly thinking about his sidekick, and then looking to Kouta.

"Oh yeah. No competition there, Delta just acts like my mother, I'd take that over this bastard any day," he decided before pulling his bag over his shoulder, "let's go. Thanks, Kouta, you helped us out."

"I'll just remember to ring up a favour later on," Kouta grinned, "bye, bye, Rennie boy~"

"God, I hate you," Ren glared before grabbing my arm and dragging me along behind him, "let's go."

An exhausting long flight later_

"Home sweet home!" Ren cheered like a child as he skipped out of the airport and spun around, taking in a deep breath, "oh how I missed the heavily polluted air of the city."


Shaking that off, I noticed my Dad waiting not too far away.

"My Dad's over there," I pointed to where he was, "I'll excuse myself now."

"Alright, I'll see you after that training camp you're joining," Ren nodded, not noticing Delta behind him.

"You're late," Delta stated, giving Ren a fright, making the guy clearly jump halfway out of his skin.

"Gah! Where the heck did you come from?!" Ren exclaimed, "kind of missing Kouta now."

"Who?" Delta glared down at his shorter boss, "come on, you bastard, you're late for work."

"But I just got home~" Ren whined as Delta grabbed his collar and began pulling him away.

"There's no such thing as holidays when you're a hero," Delta responded before he used his quirk and they both disappeared.

"Jeez—I'm glad I don't have Delta on my team," Dad suddenly piped up from behind me, making me jump back.

"What the hell?" I stared at him, "Why're you here?"

"You were taking too long coming to the car," he replied before messing up my hair, "I can see you've gotten a lot stronger over this past week. Welcome back home, son."

"Yeah, yeah," I brushed his hand away, "it's good to be back."

"Shall we get ramen for lunch?" he asked.

"Only if you're paying," I replied as we both walked to the car.

"Guess I've got no choice then," Dad shrugged as he threw his arm around my neck and dragged me into his side, grinning, "Ramen for lunch it is!"

The next day_
Early in the morning_

I yawned as I walked through the school and to where the buses were.

"Vlad King," I greeted the hero, "Morning."

"Ah-hah! Good morning, young Lionel!" Vlad King greeted me with a grin, "Eraser Head told me a third year was joining us. So it was you! I know my rag tag bunch of students will be safe with you around."

"I'm glad you think that," I beamed, "anyway, I'm riding with class 1-A, but I wanted to introduce myself to class B since I got dragged away when I was planning to do so earlier."

"Alright," he hero nodded before turning and taking a deep breath in, "everyone listen up!"


I flinched away from the loud-mouthed man.

"This is third year, Mikhail Lionel," he introduced me to the students who were now focused on me, "He's going to be coming along with us on this training camp as extra hands."

"Hello, everyone, I apologise for my rather late introduction," I bowed my head to them before smiling, "I'm Mikhail Lionel, just call me Mikhail or Mikha. I don't really mind. I'll be extra protection around the site but if you want advice I can also give some to you since I've also been through this training camp from hell."

The students looked confused at my words, as I turned to Vlad King.

"Well, I'll be heading over to Mr Aizawa now," I told him, "I'll see you at the camp."

"Yep," Vlad King nodded, "feel free to join us if you get sick of those class A kids."

"Will do," I smiled before waving, "see you."

I walked over to the other side of the car park to see Aizawa waiting outside the bus while, I'm guessing, the students were already on board.

"There you are," he noticed me and gestured to the open storage compartment at the bottom of the bus, "throw your bags in there, shut it and come on up."

"Yes, sir," I nodded doing as he said as he boarded the bus and then followed on after him, "Morning, everyone."

"Whaa—it's Lionel!" Kaminari jumped up from his seat and grinned, "so you really are coming."

"Well... I did tell you I was coming when I introduced myself to you, didn't I?" I replied, sitting down next to Aizawa, "so of course I'll be here."

"Let's go then," Aizawa grunted before the driver started to drive the bus.

To the first years' first training camp from hell.

Though, I hope it's not going to be as exciting as ours was back then.

It was a disaster because of Hatsuharu and all his stray laser beams.

I don't think anyone has a quirk like his though, so I'm sure it'll be fine.

Oh, there is that Aoyama kid, but I think he's going to be fine.

This is going to be fun~~

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