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The black-haired boy sighed as he tried to focus on his action figures. His Dad had picked up the new versions of All Might and Present Mic recently for him, so he was just enjoying having them while his parents continued to argue in the room below him. He didn't care about what was happening outside his four walls of safety because he already pretty accustomed to the motion. They were probably arguing over something completely unnecessary. As usual.

He knew that their marriage was falling apart but he still couldn't help but to wish and hope that somewhere deep down they could find something that could save their relationship.

"Why can't they ever just get along?" he sighed as he gave up attempting to ignore them.

"Mikhail!" his name was suddenly shouted, he looked to his door, not really wanting to go, "Mikhail! Get out here!"

Sighing, the nine-year-old pushed himself to his feet.

It was his birthday tomorrow, he already knew that it wasn't going to be a pleasant one. They never usually are. Around this time of year, he's the reason for the arguments. Usually his Mum was angry at his Dad for failing to get even a few hours off from being a Pro Hero to spend some time with the birthday boy.

If Mikhail was going to be honestly about it, he didn't really care either way. He barely saw his Father and when he did see him, he was usually passed out on the sofa.

"You called?" Mikhail acted ignorant to the arguing between his parents and looked between the two.

"You're coming with me to America tomorrow," his mother said, her voice filled with finality. His Father shot her an astounded look.

"No! Like hell I'll allow you to take my son away from me!" he shouted.

"You don't pay any attention to him anyway!" his mother shouted, "You're always too busy for him. Stop complaining. Mikhail, pack your bags. We're leaving in four hours."

That's the middle of the night.

Mikhail sighed but nodded. No use arguing.

He didn't want to put his opinion in there or there'd be even worse an argument than there already was.

He turned and packed his stuff. It was about five minutes later that someone came into his room.

"Son," it was his Father, he turned to him to see his Dad giving him the most broken look he'd ever seen, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

"It's not your fault Dad," Mikhail said, hugging his Father, "it's the universes fault for not letting you both get along well enough."

His Father hugged him tightly, never wanting to let go knowing he'll no longer be able to see his son again.

"I love you, kid, never forget that."

Eleven years old_

"I feel hot," Mikhail complained as he rolled around in bed. Despite it being the middle of winter, the black-haired boy still felt like he was melting.

"Mikhail? Are you OK?" a light knock came from the other side of his bedroom door, it was his mother's fiancé, a well-known French-American Support creator who worked with her.

"It's too hot," Mikhail complained, throwing his sheets off him. The door opened and the man on the other side almost dropped to his knees from the sudden blast of hot air.

For years, Mikhail was thought to be quirkless but here he was, his quirk heating up the house to a temperature almost inhuman. Seemed he was just a bit delayed compared to others.

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