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We're back guys! Well, partially. I'm quite busy still but I will aim to get at least two chapters a month out. If I have a good week then you may get weekly chapters in the month instead of bi-weekly. 
Here's hoping I can keep this going somewhat regularly again :')
If you guys are still here after a (quite literally) 4 year break then thanks for sticking around :') I really appreciate it


3rd Person PoV

Mikhail moved away from Dabi's flames, the small stinging sensation on his fists caused him to do so unconsciously.

"It truly is ironic how my flames burn all it touches," Dabi mused, "even those who wield flames just as mine."

"Ours are not the same," Mikhail told him, "mine are not made from the pain and suffering of others."

"The only pain and suffering mine are made of are my own," Dabi replied before lunging forward, a wall of flames swarmed forward, wrapping around Mikhail.

Mikhail winced as he wrapped his own flames around him to protect himself from the burning blue of the villains before shooting forward himself.

They swung at each other, both with their flames following behind them before connecting in the centre, their fists collided, and their flames exploded back in an almost captivating dance of colours.

Both of them grit their teeth as they felt the pain in their knuckles before pulling back.

Mikhail threw his other hand up, flames being thrown up and skimming past Dabi's face.

Dabi, skidded to the side and swung his own arm forward, his flames mixing with Mikhail's and devouring them, travelling back down the line, and burning across Mikhail's hand and arm.

"Fuck!" Mikhail shouted, patting at his arm before throwing himself back as Dabi lunged forward, a burning fist aiming for his face.

"What are you doing?!" a voice flooded into the back of Mikhail's mind, throwing him off and causing Dabi's fist to be allowed to connect with his cheek, burning at his skin the moment the fire was close enough to lick at him.

"What was that?" Mikhail looked around quickly, trying to spot the source of the voice, "another villain?"

"Where are you looking?!" Dabi shouted, his foot rushing towards Mikhail.


Mikhail quickly threw his arms up, the flaming villain's foot connecting heavily against the metal of his arm causing him to let out a pained grunt and attempt to move back.

"Grab his ankle!"

"I don't need your input!" Mikhail shouted back to the voice in the back of his head as he grabbed Dabi's ankle and swung, putting all of his strength into throwing Dabi as hard as he could into the side of the nearest tree to him. Dabi let out a winded gasp as he connected with the tree by his side first and then dropped to the floor.

"Stay fucking down," the hero student let out, breathing heavily as he fought the numbness starting to travel through his left arm and glanced down at his right arm to see it carrying a pretty hefty dent in the metal.

"Burn him!"
"Use our power!"
"We both share this body! Don't get us killed!"
"Kill him before he kills us!"
"Destroy him!"
"Use the flames I have given you!"
"Don't be a fool!"

"I am a hero," Mikhail muttered as he felt his grip on his control over the strength of his flames begin to slip under the barrage of shouts coming from whatever it was inside.

Wait—it said 'our power'... Mikhail's gaze landed on Dabi as the villain slowly began to push himself to his feet again, the phoenix—!

"Yeah, well, heroes are..." Dabi threw himself forward, grabbing at Mikhail's waist and tackling him, "nothing! Worthless!"

"Fake! Abusers of their powers! Power blind fools!" Dabi shouted as he hit Mikhail over and over and over with blue flame drowned hands, connecting with the back of the hero in training's arms as he held them up over his face, "prideful! Fame hungry bastards! One sighted idiots! Conceited!"

"Sorry, mate," Mikhail looked at Dabi between his arms in a moment where the villain paused in his attack, "it doesn't burn anymore."

Dabi quickly backed up, startled as he noticed the golden hair and completely reddened eyes with a strange symbol that mildly resembled fire in the appearance of the hero below him. He stiffened as Mikhail pushed himself to his feet, flames ripped through his body, starting to light the edges of his clothes. He pulled his jacket from his shoulders and tossed it to the side. The phoenix tattoo glowed as the flames started to travel across the grass and up the sides of the trees around them.

Mikhail glanced to the trees to his right and sighed.

"They're on fire," he muttered, "it'll get dangerous if it goes unchecked."

He put his hand forward, planning to absorb the flames back but Dabi's blue flames burning forward cut him off and Mikhail glanced back over to him, "did I not just tell you?"

He turned back to the villain, glaring across at him, "it doesn't hurt."

"You have about ten seconds."
"We will black out from energy consumption."
"Our body isn't ready for the full power of the phoenix."
"It will burn away."
"You need to fix our body."
"Burn this guy and fix our body!"
"Do it! Now!"

Mikhail stepped forward his flames exploding out of his body mostly against his will as he approached Dabi.

"Eight seconds!"

Dabi flinched as the heat got closer to him. Mikhail was no where near him and yet the heat hit him in uncomfortable waves.

"You—" his gaze landed on the burns.

"Seven seconds!"

Mikhail launched forward, his golden flames moving up and across his body straight across his right arm, the metal melting almost immediately and only holding up long enough for his enclosed fist to connect with the side of Dabi's face, sending him flying back through the trees behind him.

"Damn—" Mikhail pulled the last of the metal off him before it could melt into his skin.

"Five seconds!"

Dabi let out a pained cough as he quickly ducked behind a large tree and took shallow breaths of a mix of exhaustion, pain, and mild fear. He glanced around the side of it as he felt the heat approaching him again.

He's a monster, he thought to himself before quickly slipping through the trees as soundlessly as he could, I've gotta get out of here. I still have a job to do.

"Three seconds!"
"Find him!"

"I'm trying," Mikhail muttered as he glanced around, his gaze landed on a small char mark on the side of a tree. He glanced up and around the other trees before pausing and noticing the fire in the trees beside him was getting wilder.

"He's gone and I have two seconds max," he quickly muttered, "the fires are my priority!"

"One second!"

His hand shot forward, and he flinched as a sharp pain cut through his head. The pain throbbed continuously. The flames came shooting forward towards him.

The wall of golden flames wrapping around him was the last thing he saw before everything went black and he collapsed to the floor.

Dabi, a little further away from him at this point stopped, now feeling the heat completely gone and glanced back.

"The fire's not as wild," he muttered, "a monster indeed."

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