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I can't move.

I feel like I'm on fire.


I have to move.

Get up.

Get up!

Get up, Mikhail!

I shakily managed to push myself to my feet and grabbed at the closest tree.

Glancing around, I noticed it was still dark and by the position of the moon, it couldn't have been all that long between now and my passing out.

A loud explosion caught my attention, and I glanced over to the side.

"That confirms it," I pushed myself forward and staggered through the forest. I need to find the first years. I need to find the first years. I need to find the first years!


"Come on," I winced as I leaned against a tree and rested my head against it, looking through the leaves of the trees as I did. My body is on fire. It's barely listening to me, "I can't move—but I have to. Fucks sake—come on, you're Saisei. You're no push over! Come on, move!"

I pushed myself off the tree again and forced myself through the area before hearing people ahead of me.


Taking a deep breath, I forced myself to straighten myself up and forced myself forward with the last bout of strength I could muster. If there are students there then I need to prepare myself to fight their asses. I cannot let these villains hurt the students. Well, at least not more than they already have. Though I hope they aren't hurt at all, a stupid thought on my part.

The feeling of something sliding down my face from my eyes and nose caught my attention and I quickly wiped at it. Red.

I'm bleeding.

The phoenix warned me that my body wasn't ready for the full power of the phoenix. My body's falling apart right now. But I can't put it away yet. I need it.

I finally reached the edge of the clearing to see a collection of the first years and three villains I recognised well from earlier in the evening and one new one. Dabi, Twice, and Toga. A stranger. Midoriya, Shogi, Todoroki.

"Out of the way, Compress," Dabi put his hand forward, ready to fire his flames as the new villain I'm supposing is the Compress guy faded away somehow.

I rushed forward, throwing my own flames forward, they mixed in with Dabi's and consumed them.

Standing in between the three students and the group of villains, I coughed up blood before wiping my hand away and putting my left arm up to fight again.

"Damn it," Dabi glared back at me, "I thought I'd lost you."

"Lionel!" Midoriya shouted me, I glanced over my shoulder at the younger teens to see him pointing at the villains, "they have Ka-chan and Tokoyami! The guy with the hat!"

I quickly looked around, scanning the area with a frown.

"You mean the one that's disappeared," I scoffed before a needle rushing for me caught my attention. I quickly dodged it just as the girl, Toga, came launching forward, knife in hand, "You won't be stabbing me again, girl—"

I went to throw a punch to her, but she just used me as her propulsion board and leap frogged over me and straight to the teens behind me.

"Damn it—" I reached to grab her but was dragged back. Glancing over my shoulder, I see Dabi as Twice ran to hit the teens from the side.

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