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The mountains were a horrific place for you to travel through alone. It reminded you all too much of why you were even set on becoming a demon slayer in the first place.

It is so odd, this love-hate relationship between you and the forest.

You were able to admire its effortless beauty, the way its imperfections seem to compliment each other so well. The forest seemed like a place you could have loved

However, no matter how hard you tried, the visions were inescapable, so you decided to let them come and go at their will.

Hmm..I've been walking for a few hours now, I may as well eat. Your mind began to wander, remembering that you were carrying several fist-fulls of rice with you. It was the most sustainable food you could have brought along, so you weren't about to be picky.

You sat down in a shaded spot under a tree that looked particularly inviting to you. You didn't know why, but you felt safe sitting right there in the groove of a tree trunk.

You laid your food and your sword down beside you and relaxed, looking up at the tree branches intertwined above and admiring the shape of their leaves.

The warm breeze, the soft sound of trees swaying on the wind was almost hypnotic; it relaxed you, eventually lulling you to sleep before you could even take a bite out of your food.

When you awoke, more than half of the rice you'd brought with you was gone.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?!" you cried out and pulled at the strands of your hair, stressed beyond belief.

"no no no no--why?! WHy did I fall asleep? I knew I should've stayed awake..." You sighed, defeated as you tucked your sword back into its sheath "At least they didn't steal my sword. M-maybe I can still go on."

You inhaled slowly, calming yourself down

"Yes, I WILL go on. It's just food. There'll be more." You assured yourself "I'm gonna be okay."

If you quit now just because of a minor inconvenience, all of your training and perseverance will have been for nothing. And that was the last thing that you wanted.

You stood tall, straightening your back, turning to face the sunset behind you as the wind whipped past you and flowed gently through your (H/L)(H/C) hair.

The sky was a magnificent bright orange, fading out into a purple-ish blue and dotted with peach-tinted clouds. You felt a strange tug at your heart at the sight. In a weird way, it motivated you to keep going. So you did.

You turned away from the sunset and broke into a sprint up the mountain, panting--you were always tired lately but for some reason, you didn't feel tired at this moment. You pressed on through the trees, having no idea that your chance to prove yourself laid not far ahead.

In fact, it was much closer than you anticipated.

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