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"But..." You started, until you heard the sound of another creeping up behind you.

You didn't dare turn to face them; somehow you knew you would get hurt if you made any sudden moves

"Tell. Him." a voice commanded

You dug your nails into your own skin, unable to stop your violent shaking

"Inosuke." You looked down at your feet "You have to back down. It's either you or me and I'd rather them just take me"

Inosuke looked from Soichi to you, and back again

"NO." He yelled, headbutting him in the gut

Two rough hands went straight for your arms, yanking them behind you and pulling you away

"WAIT. PLEASE, I DON'T WANT TO GO" You wailed, writhing against this person's grip

They slapped one of their hands over your mouth, but you managed to scream one last thing before you were dragged away


You have no idea how long it's been since your capture

The entire time you were dragged away, you struggled with all of the energy you had left. The last thing you had seen was Inosuke trying to reach you but to no avail

When you ran out of energy to fight, you cried silently to yourself. It's just like it was before...You went away from the group and this time you're the one who had to pay

You were loaded into the back of a wagon, and they made sure your hands and feet were bound and your sword confiscated

All the while though, you made sure to memorize the path which you were being taken and draw attention to yourself in hopes that a crow would see you. You thought maybe that's what your friends would've told you to do

Now, you're sitting in Soichi's home

Just like he promised, there are children running from room to room among the empty alcohol bottles lying around. Most of them don't seem interested enough in you to gain their trust.

It's a small house, but it's bearable

You've thought about just getting up and running away, but there's nowhere to run to, and Soichi will catch up to you quickly on horseback. You did recall having attempted it once, but discovered the unfortunate fact that the children will sound the alarm for him.

So you decided to sit back and watch instead

After a while, you picked up on small things; you find out that the other people which assisted Soichi in your attack were friends of his who he'd promised he would offer his services to for their help--including the man selling tempura on the street, shockingly.

For the most part, you refused to talk to anyone. You're biding your time in the hopes that you can still find a way out, and telling your plans would be a dead giveaway

This particular one standing in front of you, though, has a lot to say

"You look dirty. Where did you come from?" The child asked, kneeling to sit by you

"I'm not permitted to discuss that with you." You said flatly

"But pa said you're my cousin."

Your chest tightened

"Perhaps I am."

They tilted their head, placing a hand on your chin

"Pa said we would get along. I was expecting you to look way cooler, but this is okay."

𝒟𝑜 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓉𝓇𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓂𝑒? [[Inosuke Hashibira x (fem) reader]] (complete)Where stories live. Discover now