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Contrary to how eager you all were when you came, everybody was tense and silent. Once the sun finally set and the crescent moon peeked over the treetops, Takeda walked you and the others to the spot where she had heard the voice. Before she left, she had a few things to say about what she noticed during the encounter.

You shudder, remembering her last words before she sent you off into the night:

"The song seems to affect young children between the ages of 3 to 10, so you should be fine. But just in case..." Takeda cupped her palms over your ears as a demonstration "Block out the noise, just like this. Her voice is hypnotic, so once she reaches your psyche, you're under her control."

Under her control... The voice echoed in the back of your head.

The four of you waited for such a long time, you were beginning to think this demon was never going to show up.

"Alright how about this," Tanjiro stands, pointing in the direction of the dirt road heading towards the forest "Let's split up. Zenitsu, (Y/n), and Inosuke, head that way and see what you can find. Nezuko, and I will be going the direct opposite way, so you'll know where to find us. IF you happen to see the demon, don't attack it right away. We need to find a way to follow it to where it may be keeping the children."

You nod swiftly, motioning towards Inosuke and Zenitsu for them to follow you.

The three of you slunk in the shadows surrounding the buildings as you searched for any traces of the demon. Although you were reluctant in this decision, you told Inosuke that you wanted him to lead the group because of his exceptional bloodlust tracking skills and sixth sense.

Though, the main reason you were reluctant was that you didn't trust that he would do the mature thing and wait for you if he spotted it.

"Hey, (Y/n)?" Zenitsu asked, "I hope you don't mind that I would ask this, but are you and Inosuke a couple?"

"...WHAT?!" You covered your mouth, realizing you'd been too loud

Inosuke was now far ahead of the group, sitting crouched on the rooftop of a building a few steps away, and he had his boar hide covering his entire head, so you figured it would be okay.

you relax and turn to face Zenitsu "Why do you want to know?" You stalled, avoiding the question

He put his hands up defensively "Don't worry! I've no ulterior motives." he moved one hand to his chest "I swear on it! It's just..." his arms fell to his sides

"You guys are so close with one another. It's cute, but I'm gonna have to ask you to stop with the PDA. Tanjiro and I and even Nezuko can see it--you two are in love."

Your face was burning up. You didn't know whether you wanted to run away, or scream in his face, or both.

"Are you pulling my leg!? You've got to be kidding me right??" You gritted your teeth "If this is some kind of weird prank, I'm going to get both of you for this. Not funny."

"IM SERIOUS," Zenitsu retorted defensively "You're always holding hands, or laying in bed together, sneaking out at night--even that time when you guys came back super late at night with grass on your backs."

"HOW did you know about that?! YOU WERE ASLEEP" You panicked, feeling desperate for a subject change "you're a stalker. I knew it."

"I AM NOT A STALKER" Zenitsu whined "Fine, if you're not together that's fine, but you have to explain these things to me. We should be taking our missions seriously, you know. It's not for fooling around with guys."


"Obviously I know that--LOOK, Inosuke looks like a man but he's like a little kid. He just plays around a lot differently than you guys do. But, he's actually rather innocent."

You looked away from Zenitsu "It's true, things have been weird...But it's not like we're getting up to scandalous things behind your back. I take my job just as seriously as the rest of you, so trust my word for once. Even if it was like that, I would never...do it. Not now."

Is that really how they think of me? This is humiliating.

Zentisu seemed satisfied with your answer, but he was still concerned. He was detecting something different in your voice--you were telling the truth but not the whole truth that you wanted to tell.

"We aren't trying to judge you or anything like that, I just wanted to--"

"It's fine! really, it's fine. Let's just focus on the task at hand for now okay? Maybe we can talk about this again later" You cut him off with a lie. You did not want to talk about this now, later, or any time after that. You wanted to stomp it out and go back to thinking normally.

You turn your back to Zenitsu and just as you do, you can hear a faint noise in the distance, probably a block away.

But Zenitsu detected it first. He looked at you with wide eyes, motioning towards Inosuke who was moving in on the sound like it was about to become his next victim.


"Zenitsu, stay here. I'm going up there." You said flatly before charging ahead and leaping onto the building.

"Damn! How do I always get left behind?" Zenitsu mumbled to himself, pouting.

You crawl up behind Inosuke with a look of concern in your expression. All of his focus is fixed on the source of the sound, so he doesn't turn to look at you, but he can detect your presence.

The sound was getting closer now, it sounded like there may have been a music box playing in the background, and combined with the hypnotic vocals of the demon, it could've put you in a trance too.

You craned your neck to try to see what was going on over Inosuke's shoulder.

On the ground, a very tall woman covered head to toe in wraps and a robe. You couldn't see very well, but she seemed to have long white hair and dark eyes. The rest of her features were hidden so well by the cloak over her head, she just looked like a pale ghostly figure floating past. Her mouth hung open, but it didn't move, there was just sound coming out. It made you feel sick to your stomach.

Behind her lay a trail of young children who she beckoned toward her as she backed into the pathway leading to the mountains. All of their eyes had gone white.

Their eyes are white...because they're asleep! They've gone to sleep and fallen into her control, that's why their eyes are rolled back in such a grotesque looking way.

Inosuke's fingers wavered above the sheath of his blade, but you stopped him by placing your hand over his.

"Don't do it yet. Just go and get the others. I'll follow her and make sure she doesn't get far, but I won't be able to hold her off long before she puts up a fight."

He huffed "You can't tell me what to do"

"HEY," You shake your head "Inosuke, listen to me just this once okay? The only reason I need you to hang back is that we'll need your strength later. But not yet."

Inosuke didn't say anything

Smirking, you add "I mean...unless it's too hard for you. I can always just go myself"

"WHAT?!" Inosuke retorted "WHAT'S THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?! Obviously, I can do it. Watch me"

Inosuke leaped off the rooftop, and Zenitsu followed after him because he didn't really know what to do. You laugh to yourself  briefly as they run away

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