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My potential demise motivated him to do something like this...Just how dangerous is his drive to protect us?

"So then," you blinked "you were trying to avenge me?"

Inosuke gives you a deadly serious look and nods

"SERIOUSLY?! HOW does Inosuke always get my and Tanjiro's names wrong, but he can pronounce yours just fine...." Zenitsu groaned

"THAT'S your takeaway??" You asked, appalled

"Well yeah. I mean...there is something else, but it might freak you guys out"

You and Inosuke exchanged inquisitive looks, then focused all of your attention on Zenitsu, awaiting his conclusion

"Are the two of you completely sure you've never met before? Not even once?" Zenitsu asked "It's almost like you know each other"

Inosuke rolled his eyes impatiently "Obviously we know eachother. If this is some kind of joke, it's really lame."

The blonde shook his head vigorously, trying desperately to make his point "NO! Not like that, I mean..."

"Before the wisteria house, before the first mission...before final selection, even."

Before final selection? That's...impossible

Inosuke paused, lost in thought. For once, his face wasn't bunched up in anger or confusion

You, on the other hand, were struggling to even grasp the concept of such a thing.

"No, no of course not. I'd recognize him right?" You suggested, bringing the logical explanation into the discussion

"I mean, maybe. But, as we get older our childhoods begin to fade drastically from our memory."

You tapped your finger to your chin, pondering the question once again. There's just no way...I spent most of my childhood alone. Most of the people I met back then, their faces have faded into a blurry mess in my mind which I cannot construct into recognizable faces. I could be wrong but even then, it's just not likely

"Well...I feel as though I would remember if I've ever met someone like Inosuke," You began

You let out a dejected sigh at your failure to contribute to the discussion as much as you'd have liked "...then again, I'm not sure how much I've really grown since I was a child. Perhaps not at all"

Zenitsu and Inosuke both looked at you, Zenitsu tilting his head at your words

"Nonsense! I'd say You've actually grown quite nicely~" Zenitsu commented suddenly

You blushed out of embarrassment when you caught on to what he meant.

Inosuke didn't fully understand, but he caught sight of the look on your face and turned on Zenitsu immediately

"CHUITSUU-" Inosuke gritted his teeth "YOU CAN'T TALK TO HER LIKE THAT"

"IMSORRYIMSORRYIMSORRY" Zenitsu yelped, ducking behind you when Inosuke stood to your defense

You sighed, moving to lean against the wall "here we go"

You watched as Inosuke dragged a squealing Zenitsu away from you by his ankles. You knew that if you didn't step in, Zenitsu might get clobbered, but you weren't bothered enough to interfere.

Instead, you looked on with a blank expression, Zenitsu's theory still rattling around in your head

They know how I grew up, but I've never told them about the night everything happened...Maybe when I can talk about it without crying--that's when I'll tell them

𝒟𝑜 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓉𝓇𝓊𝓈𝓉 𝓂𝑒? [[Inosuke Hashibira x (fem) reader]] (complete)Where stories live. Discover now