#8 Posion and Antidote

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Temari looked at the black haired boy stirring in her lap. A smile formed on her lips, as her tears dried and she looked into the blue eyes of her fiance.

"It takes a lot to use the hiraishin with three people." Naruto weakly said as he brought his hands up to caress his girlfriends cheeks.

Kurenai and Kakashi released a breath, seeing their surrogate son reopen his eyes.

"How is Gaara?" Naruto asked, slowly sitting up, as Temari gave him a food pill to boost his chakra. Looking around the boy saw his brother in law lying on the ground next to him.

"Don't worry, he is fine, he is only unconscious from the attempted extraction." She explained, as she smiled looking at the steady breathing of her brother.

"Good, we were in time." Naruto said, leaning his head against the blonde's shoulder.

A few moments later the group heard twigs snapping. Kakashi and Kurenai jumped up, ready to fight, as Temari and Naruto took a bit longer but were ready before the people coming made their way into the small clearing.

"Naruto, Temari! Thank god you are alright!" Hanabi and Konohamaru shouted as they came through the trees and saw their senseis standing behind Kakashi and Kurenai. Running through the two adults the genin threw their arms around the teen couple.

Parting ways Naruto and Temari finally turned to Kakashi and Kurenai.

"Thank you for helping us." Naruto said, not sure how to address the two.

"It was the least we could do." Kurenai replied, a smile on her face.

"Can we please talk later?" Kakashi asked, knowing that his son would most likely want to get Gaara back to Sunagakure as fast as possible. Nodding, Naruto got up, and with the help of the genin hoisted Gaara on his back, as they started their journey back towards the village hidden in the sand.

"I sent for Tsunade, why isn't she here?" Rasa said, furious as Ino and her team entered the hospital with the guard that had been leading the way.

"I am sure you know that the position of a kage is a busy one. Tsunade has sent us,as Ino here is her apprentice, to take care of your son." Shikamaru explained, calming the Kazekage.

"I'm sorry, I am just a bit tense, my only daughter is out there fighting those Akatsuki guys to get my youngest son back. And I am here, hoping that my eldest son survives the poisoning." Rasa apologized, leading the three chunin towards the room where Kankuro was fighting for his life.

"We can only hold the progress of the poison, I hope you can do better." Chiyo, the old lady overseeing the doctors' attempts to save Kankuro, said apparently a bit angry and disappointed that Tsunade wasn't here herself.

"I will do my best." Ino replied, before looking at the different herbs and solutions the doctors had already prepared.

"Do you have a medical garden here?" Ino asked Chiyo, who nodded in return.

"Ok, great, do you have stinging nettles, devil's claw or junipers?" The blonde asked, as she put the different solutions and mixtures, the doctors had prepared, away.

"We have devil's claws and junipers. But they won't help against the poison." Chiyo stated, looking at the young girl with confusion in her eyes.

"Yeah, I know, but they will help against the pain and a bit against the exhaustion. I will remove the poison with the delicate illness extraction technique, but it will be exhausting for his body and there most likely will be a bit of pain, until his body has fully healed the damage the toxin has caused." Ino explained, causing Chiyo to nod, and run off to fetch the herbs Ino had requested.

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