#25 Titan's battle

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Naruto blocked another slash from the now unmasked shinobi, cursing as he felt the chakra pulse from the purple rinnegan coming. Jumping back, he felt the push catch his legs, as he was thrown around in the air, almost face planting if it hadn't been for Temari, who caught him with her arms. A small smile on his face he winked at his fiancee, as she let him down.

"Naruto behind you!" Kakashi's voice reached his ears. Quickly scanning his surroundings he saw the man standing there, an amused smirk on his face. His skin showing the same paper-like markings as the other resurrections.

"We got Obito. Go and take him down." Kurenai stated, as the married couple arrived next to the younger shinobi.

"Gaara, with us. B help my parents." Naruto called out, as he jumped away from the now named Obito and towards the newly resurrected Shinobi.

"What are you doing Obito?" Kakashi asked, watching the man's sharingan spin.

"Trying to create a better world. One where the people you love don't have to die." The Uchiha answered, taking a kunai out of his pouch.

"Don't be stupid, such a world doesn't exist." Kakashi tried to reason as he tried to deflect the attacking kunai, only to find his own weapon phasing through the man. Shocked, he turned around, to see his former teammate land and whirl his kunai around, trying to stab Kakashi through his vest. However a metal clang was heard as Kurenai intercepted the kunai with one of her own.

"I can still get revenge on the person that killed Rin." Obito muttered silently, as he pushed Kakashi and Kurenai away from him, while letting B phase through him, the Jinchuuriki stumbling as he felt no resistance when he thought the crash into his target. The sharingan started spinning again, transforming into the Mangekyo Sharingan, as blue bones started to surround him. Kakashi had seen this one time, when he was younger when Mikoto had defended against a squad of enemy shinobi on her own. Looking on in horror he saw the bones form a ribcage and soon enough flesh and armor around the skeleton. Watching as if in trance the grey haired man saw shuriken form in the hands of the defensive figure. He only really realized what was happening when the shurikens were thrown at him, as he was tackled out of the way by Killer B.

"Man, you gotta be more concentrated. I don't want you to be penetrated." The white haired man rapped, as they quickly jumped up.

"Thanks." Kakashi replied, smiling sheepishly under his mask. The shurikens Obito had thrown slowly faded away, as another set materialised in the hands of his susanoo.

Kurenai tried capturing Obito in one of her famous genjutsu, her hands already making the signs, as she moved into his line of sight. A second later she screamed as she dropped to the ground, panting heavily, shivering.

"Distract him." Kakashi called out to the muscular Jinchuuriki, as he jumped towards his wife.

"I should have known not to try a genjutsu battle with an Uchiha." The red eyed woman breathed out, as Kakashi looked her over for any injuries. Laying her down a bit to the side, Kakashi smiled weakly at her.

"Stay here, you are too exhausted to continue." He ordered, knowing that she wouldn't be happy with it.

"Don't die." He heard her call out, as he jumped back to help Killer B.

"It feels good to be back." The red armored man stated, as Naruto, Temari and Gaara arrived in front of him.

"Let's get this show started." He continued, as he went through a complex series of hand signs too fast for Naruto to follow as the trio stepped back, their weapons ready, anticipating an attack. A white light enveloped him, his skin gaining back some colour, as the paper-like cracks in it disappeared. Naruto nodded at Gaara, who commanded his sand to surge forwards, trying to catch the man off guard.

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