#20 Relief

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Looking over the village Naruto smiled, his head still in Temari’s lap with the girl being sound asleep, her head rolled forward. It wasn’t the first time they had fallen asleep like that. Naruto knew that the blonde’s back was going to hurt like hell when she woke up, so he had already made a plan in his mind for the two of them.
That had to wait however, since the day had just begun and the sun was only beginning to creep over the tree lines. Knowing that they would need every bit of strength they could get, Naruto sighed, looking over the tent city. Closing his eyes, he concentrated for a bit before reopening them and making his way towards the wooden door in front of him. 
“Hello Naruto.” Kurama greeted him, as he slowly made his way towards the beast. 
“I want to ask you to give me a bit of your chakra again.” Naruto went straight to the point. The look on the big fox’s face grew slightly confused.
“There is no fight going on, what do you need my chakra for?” He questioned.
“I want to use it to make enough clones to help with the rebuilding.” The blonde explained, as Kurama laid down in front of him, his chin on the ground, but his eyes still towering over the teen.
“Alright. I guess I can agree with that.” The fox stated, holding out his hand. Naruto took it with a thankful smile, before he disappeared out of his mindscape again.
Quickly using the massive amount of chakra, a giant cloud of smoke erupted behind Naruto and Temari. When it had dissipated Naruto looked at two hundred copies of himself. Nodding to them, they jumped off, a mass of blonde heads rushing down the Hokage monument, towards the Hokage’s tent. 

“No, not again.” Tsunade sobbed, as she looked around, seeing nothing but trees surrounding her while the rain started pouring. 
In front of her kneeling body laid a man with pale skin and silver hair. Looking down at her hands, her eyes widened, seeing the mass of blood on them and on the ground below the dying man. 
“You couldn't save us.” She heard the voice of her former lover. Turning around she saw Dan and Nawaki standing there like she had seen thousands of times. However this time it was different, she watched as slowly the face of her late husband changed into that of Jiraiya and the child faded away smiling. 
“Why didn't you save me?” Jiraiya’s voice echoed through her ears, his eyes having lost all kindness they had held towards her. 
“I tried, you know I tried!” The woman screamed, as the white haired man turned to leave.
“No, don't leave me too! Jiraiya!” 

With that scream Tsunade jumped up, feeling her shoulder being shaken. Spinning around she was ready to attack, before she recognized the blonde hair of Naruto.
“Maybe you should talk to him.” Tsunade was slightly confused at that statement. 
“Jiraiya, you screamed his name before you woke up.” The blonde in front of her clarified.
“Yeah, I will.” Tsunade replied a bit embarrassed to have had the boy listen to her sleep talking. 
“So, what did you need?” She asked, seeing as there had to be a reason that Naruto came to her early in the morning.
“We wanted some orders.” The smirk on the special jonin’s lips was unnerving her a bit.
“We?” She asked, although the moment that word left her mouth she realized who she was talking to and thus was not hugely surprised when he gestured outside of the tent where they found another 199 Naruto’s waiting for her orders. She was still surprised, since she didn't think that the teen would have had enough chakra left after his fight with Pain for even half of the amount of clones. However she wasn’t going to complain.
“Alright, so half of you will go through the ruins clearing the streets. The rest of you will split in two, one group going out to collect wood and stone, while the other group will go through the already cleared streets and clean up the rubble to see what foundations we can salvage.” Tsunade ordered, receiving a collective salute before the clones ran off. Sighing, she turned around, walking back into her tent. She paused, when she saw her shadow projected against the fabric of her improvised home. She briefly hallucinated another one next to her, only for it to have disappeared the next instant. Turning around again, she hurriedly made her way towards Jiraiya’s tent, a small smile lingering on her lips. 

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