#11 Before

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Walking through the streets Temari couldn't help but laugh at the many people turning their heads as Naruto and she walked towards the Hokage's office. Naruto had completely transformed, losing the mask and his already changed hair color. There were many whispers following them, wondering who this guy was and why Temari was so close to him.

"Temari!" A voice called out to them. Turning Naruto and Temari smiled seeing Haku and Sasuke walking up to them, arms around each other.

"Hey you two. How are you?" Temari asked, as Sasuke and Haku looked at the teen next to her with wide eyes.

"Naruto, is that you?" Sasuke asked, earning a cheeky grin from the blonde.

"Who else is allowed to put his arm around her?" He asked pulling Temari closer to him.

"Wow, what happened to your mask?" Haku asked, still staring at the features that have been revealed.

"I decided to not wear it anymore." Naruto answered with a shrug.

"And what about your hair? Is Kakashi alright with this?" Haku continued shooting questions.

"This is my natural hair color, Í had a permanent genjutsu on my hair, keeping it black." Naruto answered the first question, hoping that the girl would drop the second and move on from the topic.

"But what about Kakashi?" Sometimes Sasuke could really be a pain in the ass, Naruto realized as he sighed.

"I guess you didn't hear, Kakashi and Kurenai aren't my real parents. It felt wrong to continue a family tradition of a family that I am not even a part of." Naruto quickly stated, earning another shocked look from the pair in front of him.

"Oh, wow. I'm sorry, it must have been hard to hear that." Haku said, giving Naruto a quick hug.

"It's alright, we have to go though, Tsunade is waiting for us." Naruto said, smiling at the pair. They nodded and wished their goodbyes, turning around and walking back into the busy streets of Konoha.

"You summoned us, baa-chan?" Naruto asked as they entered the office, finding the Hokage and Jiraiya laughing at something.

"Yeah, I have.." She started as the two turned around, stopping when they saw Naruto.

"Ah, sorry. Well, I wanted to know if you need a week off or if you want to directly go back to your duties?" Tsunade continued after a pause. Temari laughed at the pause and the fact that the Hokage still couldn't stop staring at her fiance.

"I think a week off wouldn't be too bad, we still haven't fully come back since our training trip and a vacation wouldn't hurt us." Naruto stated a smile on his lips as he watched Tsunade and Jiraiya try to stay focused.

"Yeah, alright. That would be all." Tsunade said, dismissing the teens

When they had left the office Tsunade looked at Jiraiya still with shock in her eyes.

"Excuse me but what the fuck? Did you know?" She asked, trying to get her cheeks to stop from blushing.

"What do you mean? I knew that he was somewhat similar to Kakashi, but I had no idea to what extent or that he stopped wearing the mask." Jiraiya stated.

"Damn he is handsome, if he wasn't my godson and if we were closer in age I would definitely jump him." Tsunade commented as she turned to her paperwork again.

"That hurt, I thought I am handsome." Jiraiya joked, a smile on his face.

"You are." The blonde woman whispered, before realizing that she had said that out loud.

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